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Where was Apollo 11 on the moon? If your app allows it, enable the display of surface features. Or, you can simply use the Search menu and enter "Apollo 11," then center it. You'll see that the astronauts were in the lit portion of the moon, on the southern edge of the Sea of Tranquility. The other Apollo missions can be searched, too. Finally, let's see what Neil Armstrong saw when he looked back at Earth. In SkySafari 5, with Apollo 11 selected repeat the search if necessary , tap the Orbit icon and wait for the display to swing around.

Next, use the Search command to find Earth. Our lovely half-illuminated planet will appear. For fun, reveal the time flow commands and tap the minutes — the number will become underlined. Finally, tap the far right and left arrows to flow time forward and backward, respectively. I doubt Neil and Buzz had time to enjoy looking at us, but it would have been a pretty sight indeed! While most astronomers dismiss astrology, there's no question that people are curious about how the sky looked during life's milestones.

Would your parents have seen a full moon, or bright Venus, on the way to the hospital on your birth date? Or perhaps you'd like to schedule a wedding under a spectacular sky. Just use the settings to enter the appropriate locations and dates. In a future edition of Mobile Astronomy, we'll show you how to re-create the discoveries of Uranus, Neptune, Ceres and Pluto in the centuries since Galileo by following their slow passage through the fixed stars. In the meantime, keep looking up! Chris Vaughan is an astronomy public outreach and education specialist at AstroGeo , a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, and an operator of the historic inch 1.

You can reach him via email , and follow him on Twitter astrogeoguy , as well as on Facebook and Tumblr. This article was provided by Simulation Curriculum , the leader in space science curriculum solutions and the makers of the SkySafari app for Android and iOS.

Original article on Space. Chris Vaughan, aka astrogeoguy , is a geophysicist and lifelong amateur astronomer based in Toronto, Canada. He writes the Mobile Stargazing column for Space. Your favorite astronomy sky-charting app is a virtual time machine in your pocket. By manually setting the location date and time, you can re-create the greatest moments in astronomy history, such as Galileo's first view of Jupiter from Padua, Italy, on Jan. The better sky-charting apps allow you to manually set the location the app uses to display the sky.

Useful Forms

At left is the interface for SkySafari 5. It accounts for the time zone change and one tap returns you home again. The Stellarium Mobile app shown at right works much the same way. Enable the Use GPS box to return to your current location. Setting the date and time in Starwalk 2 is done by tapping the clock icon at top right.

Sky-Charting Mobile Apps Can Be Your Astronomical Time Machine

Select a unit of date or time and roll the scale that appears along the right edge of the display — up for forward and down for backward. Tapping the arrow icon at top center returns the app to the present time. To see what Galileo saw through his small telescope when he first aimed it at Jupiter, manually set your app to an hour after sunset on Jan. In the excerpt from his notebook shown at the bottom, a red box surrounds the sketch he made.

The blue circle represents the field of view through his eyepiece, requiring him to scan around to see the small "stars" we now know are Jupiter's four largest moons.

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The word Giove is Latin for Jupiter. To re-create the sketch, advance the time in the app to 8 p.

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