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Diana Mayo from the novel The Sheik , in a somewhat disturbing way, thanks mostly to Stockholm Syndrome. After being kidnapped and repeatedly raped, she abandons her old cold, independent attitudes and realizes she's fallen in love with her rapist. Much of the plot of The Queen of Attolia revolves around the titular queen slowly defrosting, ending with her marrying the hero, Eugenides. The King Of Attolia shows her continuing to defrost, which disturbs most of the kingdom, which is used to her being cold and cruel.

Skirlet Hutsenreither plays this role in Jack Vance 's book Night Lamp - over the course of the story, she goes from a stuck up Clam Muffin it's a social caste to a warm and friendly space traveler, largely because of Jaro Fath, the main character. Almost all of Vance's heroines are this, at least towards the hero.

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In Ender's Shadow , Bean was a snarky, cold calculating little boy who was extremely logical and restrained. By the end of the series, having found love, he's happy, romantic, and emotional. Sofia Mendes in The Sparrow. Tragically, the sequel Children of God shows her not only refrosting, but becoming a Knight Templar.

At the end of Robert E. Howard 's " The Devil in Iron ", Conan the Barbarian is rather crestfallen to find that Octavia tried to allure him because she was forced; a kiss later, she is somewhat reconciled, and he offers to burn down the city where she was Made a Slave for her. The novelization of the original Aliens vs. Predator comic arc does a more thorough defrosting of Ice Queen Machiko Noguchi. She was so unintentionally aloof from the colonists under her authority that she was dubbed the "Nitrogen Queen" behind her back.

Only three months into her stay does she realize that they all hate her, and immediately sets about changing her status among them. She makes decent but slow headway until the Predators begin hunting colonists and the subsequent outbreak of Aliens, at which point she becomes an Action Girl and repeatedly risks her life for all of them.

Aunt Polly from Pollyanna is an unromantic example. She begins the book as cold and borderline cruel but Pollyanna eventually defrosts her however it's not until Pollyanna's badly injured that she completely defrosts. Ex-Heroes has an excellent example with Stealth and the Mighty Dragon. Pip does this to the previously cold-hearted Estella in Great Expectations. Jiltanith in Mutineer's Moon , the first in the Empire from the Ashes trilogy.

This is pretty much how Anne and Gilbert's relationship works from books one through three, though she's only cold to him, not other people. And the fact that it took over ten years to defrost her and he waited patiently just makes him that much more awesome.

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Richard causes this in the Sword of Truth series just by being. While the titular character of Beachwalker is a kind and giving person, it takes a bullet wound for her to let anyone start to get close to her. Glinda Arduenna Upland in Wicked becomes this as her friendship with Elphaba grows, and even more so when Dr. Dillamond was killed by Madame Morrible In A Brother's Price , after the disastrous marriage to Keifer Porter, the Queens have decreed that their daughters can only get married if all of the surviving ones of age agree to it.

Thanks to Keifer, Trini is extremely standoffish towards the man her sisters favor, agreeing only because otherwise the Porters will buy him and she hates that family, but she warms to him gradually. Multiple characters refer to her as being white or icy.

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One of the main catalysts of the defrosting part is red-headed Coren. He is ultimately successful, though he strays heavily into Love Martyr territory in the process. Like her brother, Isabelle Lightwood is not very fond of Clary at first. Later, though, she begins to open up to her. Imogen Herondale starts out frosty and unapproachable, but suffers several humbling failures and by the end of City of Ashes she performs a Heroic Sacrifice to save Jace after learning that he was her grandson. In The Black Gryphon , Winterhart is a healer who views her gryphon charges as things and is utterly cold and emotionless to humans.

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She seeks out the services of the kestra'chern Amberdrake for persistent back pain, but over many weeks, Amberdrake slowly and laboriously gets her to open up, first by showing her that the gryphons are sapient beings with feelings, then by delving into her past. It turns out that she was a child of nobility who was in the High King's court when the evil mage Ma'ar attacked it with an Emotion Bomb. As she was also an undiscovered empath , the fear induced by the bomb inflicted particular damage on her pysche, which she covered up by retreating into a shell of uncaring.

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This revelation allows her to finally start healing, and in the aftermath she also takes Amberdrake as her lover. Janine and Candayce, in Dinoverse , both go through this over the course of having to escape the Cretaceous. They go from enemies to, well, frenemies sniping at each other with a minimum of actual malice.

When they go home Janine reconnects with her mother and stops rebelling so much, Candayce stops being such an Alpha Bitch , starts volunteering, and begins to date the geeky nerd who was in love with her. Melissa "Schoolmarm From Hell" Mailey, from Eric Flint 's series, finds her notoriously aloof, acerbic self softening considerably due to a combination of falling in love and being thrust three hundred and fifty years or so into the past.

The former has the expected effect, but the latter forces her to really confront her own principles and what they mean in the context of 17th century Germany. And she becomes something of a mother figure and counselor to many of the young women stranded by the Ring of Fire.

All combined, the Melissa Mailey who emerges is altogether a much softer and more approachable figure Like setting the Globe Theatre ablaze , for instance I like you much better this way. So do I, Julie. Robb was very stoic initially; Talisa defrosts him. Brienne to Podrick, as she didn't want a squire, so she often berates him. She does eventually come to respect his loyalty and apologises for being harsh towards him, however. Despite their rough introduction, Lyanna eventually mellows to Jon and Sansa. She even nominates Jon as the new King in the North, which the other lords accept.

The Ice Princess vs the Casanova - Official Trailer (Wattpad)

During the series' early "comedy" years, she started as a bossy, unlikeable bitch of a head nurse. She had many defrosting moments mostly with the laid-back Hawkeye after the first season, but her first defrosting episode was "The Nurses", and since, due to trouble with men like Frank Burns and Donald Penobscot, although she's still a hard-nose she is an Army major, after all , she comes off as a significantly more likeable character.

Kurt, especially after his transfer to Dalton means he no longer needs to be constantly on the defensive just to survive high school. And he is indeed a queen A number of fans posit that the Doctor and she had a relationship no doubt aided by the brief marriage of Tom Baker and Lalla Ward. Amy Pond is an example, considering the Doctor ran off without her twice and she was pretty bitter about it. One interpretation of Matchbox 20's "If You're Gone" is a husband undergoing this trope.

Willy, in the song "Eppie Morrie," clearly thinks this is what he is doing with the title character, but it comes off as more a Stalker with a Crush. After she refuses to marry him, he kidnaps her, forces a priest to marry them at gunpoint, and then tries to consummate the marriage. Eppie Morrie successfully fights him off, and in the morning demands to be returned to her mother just as much an ice queen and a maiden as she was when the whole thing started. In the s standard " I'd Like to Get You on a Slow Boat to China", invoking this trope is the singer's motivation for taking the boat trip.

Out on the ocean, far from all the commotion, melting your heart of stone The Russian tale of Snegurochka has a maiden of literal snow whose melting heart kills her. Hannah from Sequinox starts out very cold and snooty towards the other girls, especially Chel, but over time she warms up to them. Several decades later, he's lightened up enough that he plays counter-pranks on Lup and Taako.

Haze, having a vendetta against the whole promotion for perceived efforts to baby her, wasn't moved in the slightest. The title character of Puccini's opera Turandot , after a Forceful Kiss. Except probably because Puccini died before he could finish the last act, the defrosting feels rather unconvincing. The title character of Gilbert and Sullivan 's Princess Ida is a strong, educated woman, who has forsworn all men largely because all the men in her family are either nasty sarcastic buggers or utter idiots.

Ice Princess

The plot throws her in with the man she had been married to at birth, who is disguised as a woman for most of it. It parodies a poem by Tennyson, and does have some unfortunate Victorian values in it, but better than a lot of portrayals of the time. Iolanthe has a whole female chorus of examples half-way between this and Tsundere. The fairies are at war with the British peers. They also grow to find them more and more attractive, and by the middle of the second act, we get this lovely example of mixed messages, where even the insults are sung in as flirtatious manner as possible: Most otome games include at least one male example of this.

Probably the most memorable was Himuro Reiichi in Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side , the protagonist's overly-strict homeroom teacher. If pursued long enough he is reduced to a blushing sensitive sap who loves to play the piano and go for long drives in the countryside. Eventually he confesses his undying love for the main character in a shy sort of way.

Defrosting Ice Queen - TV Tropes

From the first Tokimeki Memorial , there's Mira Kagami. Also somewhat of a Broken Bird who had her heart broken many times when younger, so she swore off love completely to not get hurt again. She'll need a considerable ammount of The Power of Love from the protagonist to heal the scars in her heart and make her turn back to her former Genki Girl self. No wonder she's the Ensemble Dark Horse of this game.

Aoba in Family Project. Oddly enough, it's actually in her own route that she gets the most jerkassy and cold before melting.

The Ice Queen Personality

However, in all routes she does warm up to them quite a little Adrian Andrews in Phoenix Wright: She is smart, calculating, and is pretty much straight to the point. She doesn't like to waste time with trifling details and will shut you down if you try to talk to her about topics that don't get her attention. However, all of this is just a mask. She only acts cold because she is pretending to be tough and independent.

Celeste Inpax, her mentor, was her strength and when she committed suicide, Adrian tried to do the same as well. Her cold demeanor is to hide the fact that she can't live on without depending on other people. By Trials and Tribulations , she is a much more cheery person. Also Lana Skye in in the Bonus case of the first game.