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A Samaritan man is allowed to marry outside his community if his wife accepts Samaritan practices. Since no conversion is involved, this may be considered an interfaith marriage. The decision to allow intermarriage has been made in modern times for genetic reasons.

According to the Samaritan interpretation of their Torah , Israelite status is determined by the father; children of Samaritan men are considered Israelites, and children of non-Samaritan men are considered non-Israelite. Some Christian denominations forbid interfaith marriage, citing 2 Corinthians 6: In the Catholic Church , canon law deals with mixed marriages a marriage between a Catholic and a baptized person outside the Church and marriages in disparity of cult marriage between a Catholic and an unbaptized person.

Distinction is made between inter-denominational and interfaith marriage, and some denominations extend their own rules and practices to other Christian denominations. A primary Islamic legal concern is that the offspring of an interfaith marriage between a Muslim a non-Muslim are to be Muslim offspring, and raised as such.

Sharia , thus, has differing regulations on interfaith marriage, depending on, firstly, what is the gender of the prospective intermarrying Muslim, and secondly, what non-Muslim religion is adhered to by the person that a Muslim is seeking to intermarry with. While Islamic Law permits a Muslim man to marry up to four women, the preference is that one or all of his wives be Muslim. If he intermarried with a non-Muslim, one or more of the four allowed wives may be non-Muslim women provided that they are from among the People of the Book i. Additionally, they must have been chaste , and all children must be brought up Muslim.

Beyond this exemption, a Muslim man may not intermarry with females who are not from among the People of the Book unless they convert to Islam which is not required of Christian females and Jewish females.

What happens when you fall in love across the religious divide? | Life and style | The Guardian

Thus, Muslim men are prohibited from intermarrying, for instance, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc. If they did, however, convert, it would no longer be considered intermarriage, but a marriage between Muslims, and thus not prohibited. Muslim women, on the contrary, are forbidden from intermarrying as they are prohibited by Islamic law from marrying outside Islam. A Muslim woman may only marry a Muslim man, and intermarriage is always forbidden to Muslim women. This would not apply if the non-Muslim man converted to Islam, as the Muslim woman would no longer be considered to be intermarrying, but marrying a Muslim man.

World: Vatican Cautions Against Muslim-Catholic Marriages (Part 1)

Additionally, she may only be married to one Muslim man at any one time i. Early jurists in the most-prominent schools of Islamic jurisprudence ruled in fiqh that the marriage of a Muslim man to a Christian or Jewish woman is makruh disapproved if they live in a non-Muslim country. Umar — denied interfaith marriage to Muslim men during his command of the ummah. Today the good things are made lawful for you, and the food of the ones to whom the Book was brought is lawful to you, and your food is made lawful to them. And so are believing women in wedlock, and in wedlock women of the ones to whom the Book was brought even before you when you have brought them their rewards in wedlock, other than in fornication, neither taking them to yourselves as mates i.

And whoever disbelieves in belief, i. Scholar Ahmad Kutty of Toronto has expressed disapproval of interfaith marriage, citing Umar.

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It ensures that over a number of generations, Islam would gain in numbers relative to other religions. If a non-Muslim woman married to a non-Muslim converts to Islam, the marriage is suspended until her husband converts to Islam; she could theoretically leave the non-Muslim husband and marry a Muslim one, analogous to the Pauline privilege for Catholics. If the non-Muslim husband converts, a new marriage is not needed.

According to the Quran,. O ye who believe! When there come to you believing women refugees, examine and test them: Allah knows best as to their Faith: They are not lawful wives for the Unbelievers, nor are the Unbelievers lawful husbands for them. But pay the Unbelievers what they have spent on their dower , and there will be no blame on you if ye marry them on payment of their dower to them. But hold not to the guardianship of unbelieving women: Such is the command of Allah.

He judges with justice between you. And Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom.

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The two ceremonies should be performed on the same day; their order is not important. In orthodox Serer religion an ethnoreligious faith , interfaith, interracial and interethnic marriages are forbidden. He said that a distinction must be made between religious belief and social custom. He acknowledged that some countries that are mainly Muslim have customs and cultures in which women are not treated as they should be.

But he also said, "The teachings of Islam are totally against [the suppression of women]; in Islam, women have all the dignity given to them, perhaps even more so than in Western societies, and they are not to be given second-class status, nor be trampled upon; they have rights of inheritance; they have freedom, they are really head of the family; so the unfortunate thing with the Vatican statement is that it gives the impression that this is the teaching of Islam, which it is not. I think we have to detach ourselves. I mean this whole Islamophobia, the war on terror, has come about as a result of political reasons," he said.

Muhammad said that he, as a Muslim with a Catholic wife, has personal experience of a life spent in harmony with Catholicism, and he feels that the church is making too much of the mixed-marriage issue. Unfortunately we do not have children, but if we did have children, I would have allowed them to go both to the mosque and the Catholic church, and let them decide by themselves which one they want to follow," he said.

Malay Muslim + Chinese Catholic - On The Red Dot - CNA Insider

In referring to children, he has touched on one of the most difficult aspects of a mixed marriage, namely the religion of the children. Both Catholic and Islamic faiths are alike in wanting the children of such unions to be part of their own flock. Rome insists that the children must be baptized and brought up as Christians. Part of the church's worry about marriage with Muslim men is that the dominating position of the man in many Islamic households makes it impossible in reality for the wife to bring up the children as Catholics.

Sister Maureen Kelleher, a US member of the Sacred Heart of Mary Sisters, said a large number of people she works with are victims of domestic violence. Sister Kelleher, a lawyer, helps migrant farmworkers in South Florida. Gifted though some may be, they cannot bring their talents to the tables of decision making and pastoral planning.

  • Discourage Christian women from marrying Muslim men, observer tells synod | Catholic Herald.
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  • Interfaith marriage!

Jadwiga and Jacek Pulikowska, who advise the Archdiocese of Poznan, Poland, about the pastoral care of families, said that they consider themselves to be a normal family, but that they have been saved from crises because of prayer and receiving the sacraments. Agnes Offiong Erogunaye, national president of Catholic Women Organisation of Nigeria, highlighted in her talk, the irreplaceable role of mothers that must be supported.

The Boko Haram insurgency is presenting additional hardship, she said, as women and mothers must work even harder to keep their families safe and united. US bishop spoke about the need to affirm Church teaching while accompanying all Catholics on the path to holiness.