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He claims that he is very happy with this current girl and that he has been having much difficulties wrapping his head around the emotions he is feeling, also saying that he does feels like he is falling for his girlfriend. He mentioned to me that it was because of me that helped him to let go.

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I am not sure if this is a rebound relationship, but I know we do have great potential together which he did agree too if I had learnt to give a man his space. In this scenario, I am wondering if the methods that are stated in this article be of any chance at success? Or anyone has actually managed to attain success before. Perhaps if you visit our forum page, you'll be able to find some success stories regarding other people's relationships. There's always a chance at success but the circumstances would vary for everyone.

Part 2: Doing No Contact When She is with Her New Boyfriend

It really depends on how the situation plays out and many of these aspects beside focusing on yourself aren't areas you have control over. Hi Kevin and fellow broken hearts im so grateful for this article.

I just have a question. I have initiated no contact period with my ex it seems he has moved on but i really want him back and for the right reasons. Im following Kevins tips about how to be a happier healthier version of yourself. I have even been on 2 dates but no more than a peck on the cheek with the dates because i actually really want my ex back.

My question is when is the perfect time to start texting him as i want to hit that sweet spot you speak of. I have quoted this section of your article below. It depends on the stage of no contact you're in, how long you've been broken up for, how the relationship ended and whether his new girlfriend is a rebound or not.

If you said that he might have moved on, I assume that some time has passed. You could always try to contact him soon, but more as a friend and see how he responds to you. If it's positive, you could continue the conversation to see where it leads but if it's a negative response, based on what you've said, there might be a chance that he has already moved on and in which case, you might want to consider doing the same. If an opportunity presents itself in the future, you could always consider again if you still have feelings for him. I have been dating this guy on and off from to He has broken up with me before and would come back.

I could see why he was saying that. The problem is he is dating a lady in another country, now.. We had arguments about her as he would keep contact with her. Now they communicate like a couple, and I live in the same house as my ex, and she is across the ocean.

How To Get Your Ex Back When He Has Moved On To a New Girlfriend

How can I get him back? Do you think I still have a chance? You still have a chance but it's a small one and provided you're patient enough to wait, because you'll have to wait for their relationship to end before you can try anything. Continue improving yourself in the meantime so that when an opportunity presents itself in the future, you'll be a changed person in his eyes.

My ex and I had a big fight in December We were together for 4 years. We were messing around until January In September of , we started dating this girl, and she asked him out in January of , and he said yes. He told me that he was never going to ask her out, and to wait for him For 4 months because he didnt know how it would turn out.

We had sex the day that he told me. We didnt speak since then because I was upset. A mutual friend told me that he said he could never love his new girl, and not like he loved me. And also that he still brings me up. And she can tell In His eyes that he still loves me.

And that she doesn't think he really wants to be with her.

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She has a Boyfriend

We are currently not on speaking terms, but if we spoke to each other, we would be okay with responding. We recently just took each other off of our block lists. Also, he came to my Hometown quite a few times over the summer just to see me and be with me. And he constantly called me at work to talk to me and left me voicemails telling me that he loves me, and call me to say good morning.

Part 3: Healing During No Contact When she is dating someone else

This was all over summer , before he began dating her. And even after they were dating. Then you'll have to prove to him that he has no reason to fear getting hurt again because you've changed as a person which you should be doing at this time , but you would probably only get the chance to do so after he has ended things with her. For now, you'll probably have to continue on with your life and focus on making positive changes to yourself. MY boyfriend and I were together 5 years and he broke up with me and told me he needed space.

During this space period he would still text me and we would have friendly conversations. I later found out he had been hooking up with a co worker I was cordial with during the last month of our relationship. He was trying to keep it secret and when I confronted he told me she met nothing and was an outlet. He told me he wants to remain friends we have sex about 3 times a week and whenever he is not around his new beau he is texting me. I ask him for boundaries and what he wants from me and he just says "We don't know what the future will hold" I am still deeply in love with him but I don't know if sleeping with him is the best idea.

When he isn't around her he acts like we are still together but when he is around her I am chop liver.

Is this new relationship he is in serious and should I move on and just leave him alone. Sleeping with him is definitely not the right thing to do if you want him back in your life as more than someone he turns to when bored or wants to hookup. He could've been hooking up with her because he got bored of the relationship with you and lost feelings of passion.

It's most likely that she will be a rebound for him, but you should not complicate things right now by getting involved as well. Instead, perhaps considering going into No Contact to provide some distance between the two of you, so that the breakup would actually hit him. Hi, so my ex broke up with me very recently for another girl. However the circumstances are weird.

They met up for the first time for a few days, when she went back to her country he broke up with me for her. However he says he still loves me but loves her as well and says maybe in the future we can be something again. What do you advise me to do in order to win him back? It could be that he got bored of the relationship with you, and that this new girl provides novel excitement. However, because it is LDR, there's a high likelihood that it would not last since he probably didn't even get a chance to build up meaningful experiences with her before she left. I would suggest going into No Contact for now, and I suspect that he would begin texting you again once he realizes that this 'new' relationship doesn't actually have any meaning to it.

Hi, So I have been in a 3 year on and off again relationship. It is both our senior year of college, and out of no where he told me he lost feelings and interest for me. He said he doesn't want a relationship with anyone right now, and just wants to enjoy his last few months of college. However, I found out that hes been consecutively hooking up wit the same girl. I am nervous that he will catch feelings for her. What do you think? How do I get him to believe trying a relationship with me is worth it again? How do I get him to catch feelings again? He may have ended things with you because he was bored with the relationship and wanted to explore his options out there, given that he is graduating soon.

His hookups with this girl is evident of that, and cheating may be something you risk facing if you try to get back with him at this point. However, if you still intend to get him back, you would probably have to figure out why he lost interest in the relationship with you attraction, communication, etc and try to work on those issues before you try to convince him to reconcile. I dated a guy for six months, we were never in an official relationship but I was so in love.

I wasnt sure he wanted to commit and always thought he didnt felt the same way. Until one day he told me he wanted to remain friends cause he was really interested in dating this other girl.

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back If She Has A New Boyfriend

I never told him how I felt but Ive really fallen for this guy. He started dating the girl and are now in relationship. However, we never lose contact, we started seeing each other again and things got messy. He cheated on his new girlfriend with me several times. I know it was wrong but I was so in love with him I didnt care. Now she has found out and he asked me to never talk to him again because he wanted to make things right.

Im really hurt, I know he never cared. I dont know what to do. You should stop all contact with him and focus on picking yourself up from this, and walking away. As you've said, it's clear that the other girls means more to him and you don't know where you stand in all this especially since you were never officially together.

I and my bf are in a relationship of 7 yrs but since 6 months he was talking to my friend and she told him all the negative things about me slowly slowly he fell in love with her and cheated on me but he also talks to me and we were about to marry but Now he says he is confuse about the marriage and he dnt love that girl but also he doesnt show the same efforts and love which he use to before with me what should i do how can i get him love me again and want me again plz answer.

If he is so easily swayed by what other people tell him about you, there isn't much you can do to convince him since this is a problem that lies with him.