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Let it happen after your first fight or two.

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Your first fight might be about something stupid—like, say you want to run out to Target but your significant other would rather sleep in on Saturday. With every small fight, you figure out your partner more and more.

When To Say "I Love You" ❤

And in surviving the tough times, you can figure out if the two of you are actually compatible. Try to make sure the two of you have similarly defined your relationship. Say it in person. Not by text, not over the phone. It might be easier for you to muster the courage that way, but this is one of the special moments the two of you will share if your relationship blossoms into a lifelong partnership.

Your significant other will remember the look in your eyes when you tell them how you feel.

Falling in love is a wonderful, and intoxicating experience, but when do you know?

Try to avoid doing it in a public place. In the slim chance that he or she is absolutely surprised, or possibly uneasy, they might be too worried about other people around them listening and judging.

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That had little or no appeal to me. She was clear and able to articulate her hopes and dreams. We are in alignment. There is no hurry. This is a marathon, not a sprint. As the glow of the new-sex, new-coupling, new being-around-someone, begins to wear off, you can better assess the everyday-living temperament of your new potential mate.

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  • And make sure you get a few breaks in the hyper-connection between the two of you. How does the other person react?

    Signs you should say "I love you"

    Do they get scared, shamed, run off into a corner? Are they able to stand-in and own up to the mistakes, the apologies, and the repair? Ah yes, the mundane. Life is full of chores. Is your partner happy in their chosen career? What would it take for them to transition into something that made them more relaxed in life, more fulfilled, and less pulled into drama and crisis by work BS? Does your partner-to-be wake up in the morning with a smile or a snarl? How well do you deal with unexpected changes in plans? Can you recalculate weekend plans easily with this person?

    Do they share in the housework at your place or only at their place?

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    • The Definitive Rules About When to Say I Love You.
    • How long should you wait before saying ‘I love you’?.
    • Is there a join in all activities of the daily couple: How are you doing at the mundane? And what is the big dream your partner holds dear? Are their ambitions related or opposed to your own? Where I am going as an individual is more towards this single-parenting, relationship, work. I am transitioning away from being a digital marketer. And the next few years will illuminate my options more clearly. She likes my plans, my ideas, and my imagined future. I like what she does for a living too. And she appears to love her career path.

      How Soon Do You Say, “I Love You” In a New Relationship? - The Good Men Project

      Now we just have to continue to move these, adjust these activities and locations, towards one another. Where are you going overall? Are there obstacles ahead for you as a couple?