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  • WSIS and the Struggle to Bridge the Digital Divide: A Lack of Commitments.

These two facts are important to keep in mind when evaluating the negotiations on bridging the digital divide held in the framework of the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS. Or to put it more simply, did WSIS accomplish anything with regard to development?

To answer this question, it is necessary to distinguish between two levels: During the first phase of the summit, discourse and negotiations with respect to the development of the information society were dominated by a neoliberal paradigm. The official discourse made little room for nuances. Any references to the limitations of the neoliberal model were removed from the final texts. Such was the fate of a point which stated:. Firstly, in the documents on financial mechanisms approved at the end of PrepCom2 in Geneva February , the governments acknowledged the insufficiency of the financing provided and measures taken until now to build an inclusive information society that responds to the needs of development.

They recognised, in effect, that in developing countries, the infrastructure for basic telephone service or Internet connectivity is still lacking in remote areas, that training for the population in the use of information tools is insufficient or non-existent, and that information content is not always appropriate. This is the main political issue at stake. Through long and heated negotiations, and thanks to the diplomatic activism of developing countries mainly Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Ghana, South Africa, Botswana, Bangladesh, India and Senegal , the final documents of WSIS introduced a nuance in the dominant paradigm, stressing the need to combine private and public financing to bridge the digital divide:.

It stipulates the need for public investment and policies, while up until now the market had been viewed as the sole vector for development of the information society, and thus capable of responding to all needs. For the first time in history, the link between ICTs and poverty reduction is made at a political level:.

Since the s, governments have begun to design national strategies aimed at stimulating the growth of the information society e-strategies. For the most part, these government policies have focused on matters of infrastructure and telecommunications, the development of an ICT-based goods and services industry hardware, software, telework, etc.

By adopting strategies like training engineers and technicians, offering tax exemptions and creating a stable and predictable climate for private investment, numerous developing countries have sought out a role as leaders in the ICT market, endlessly touted as the key to all economic growth in the years to come. The government decided to turn to the ICT industry, declaring that. Intel opened its second largest microprocessor chip assembly plant worldwide in this Central American nation, and was soon followed by other companies in the sector.

These policies make little mention of information content and social inequality, much less poverty reduction. In fact, an OECD study conducted in February demonstrated that of the 23 developing countries considered, only three - Benin, Sri Lanka and Kyrgyzstan - had actually integrated poverty reduction into their e-strategies. They represent two openings that non-governmental actors can use - at both the national and international level - to demand the creation of new public policies based on the needs of the poorest sectors of society.

And the lack of concrete commitments from the wealthy countries with regard to other areas of negotiations seems to indicate that the implementation of a development policy in the information and communication sector is still far from a priority on the international political agenda - especially if it runs counter to powerful economic interests. To the developing countries that stressed the need for public investments, the wealthy countries the EU, United States, Japan, Switzerland essentially responded, " Make your public policies, but we don't have the money.

While it was in fact acknowledged in the summit documents, the wording chosen specifies that the governments ' welcome ' the creation of this fund. They no longer ' support ' it, as was called for in a previous version of the text. On the part of the wealthy countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD , this acknowledgement does not reflect a pledge of financial commitment, but rather the acceptance of an unavoidable reality, since the DSF was already created at the Geneva summit, thanks to the contributions of cities and local governments.

This commitment on the part of local governments is a positive sign, but it does not change the fact that the project was originally conceived as something different. Our pickiness will probably increase. Solving the Puzzle of Online Dating. But inside she's dying.

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