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I don't think there's anything wrong or unusual about a 25 yr old woman dating a 40 yr old man. However, your father being his friend seems to be the biggest obstacle here. I think once you and your dad's friend both establish that there's an attraction between you two, it'd probably be best to have a talk with your father about this.

I'm not really sure what the best option is in this situation, but hopefully everything will go well for you.

Undressed: What’s the Deal With the Age Gap in Relationships?

And as far as my dad's reaction is concerned, gosh, he would probably freak out I am still his "little girl" and I will always be and I am sure he wouldn't like the thought that'll come to his mind at some point: And finally, it will be really difficult to me to talk about all this to my father, I've never discussed my love life with him!

But there seems to be no other option, because I have to be sure about his views, otherwise I cannot date that man - I am sure he has feelings for me, but he wouldn't admit it, knowing that my dad will be against us. It's hard for anyone here to give useful advice because only you are privy to the dynamics of the relationship between your father and the man you say you love.

Some questions you may consider is if it is possible that your attraction is even some motivated by the business relationship with your father, in other words, would it stand on its own if you just ran into this guy out somewhere?

Another question is what is your father's general attitude and demeanor with respect to views on romance, more traditional, modern, etc.? Provided he and your mother are together, how did they meet? Any useful data there?

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In your shoes, I'd ask your father about it directly. It seems to be the only option that makes sense.

Undressed: What’s the Deal With the Age Gap in Relationships?

He may be all for it for all we know here. But watch out and make sure of your feelings first, you could end up in some sort of uncomfortable position as a prospective "dynastic pawn" and have a hard time changing your mind down the road. I'll think about it, but as for now, I'd say it isn't relevant I'd say he is more traditional, he's been married to my mum for 26 yrs, although, he was married before but had no children from the 1st marriage I think he would say that a 40 year old is too old for me and that we can't possibly have anything in common I think you should sit your father down and tell him how you feel about his friend.

If you are falling in love with this man and he feels the same, you will have to tell your dad sooner or later. You could try to present it to your father in this way. Go to your father first. Tell him you have a crush on someone, but that that person doesn't know yet. Tell him it's his business partner.

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And tell him that you'd like to ask him out, but that you wanted to consult your father first due to him being friends and business partners with him and also for advice on how to approach the guy and how to get around the issue that he might not want to date you due to being friends with your father and being business partners If you father approves, well then yay. If you father disapproves, then you can say: I rather have you on my side and give me advice on what the best approach is in regards to your friend.

I want you to be on the same team with me and work together on this. And if any issues should arise, then we'll all agree to work together towards a solution. Last edited by Nexus One; 10th November at 9: Originally Posted by alexis.

Older men often date younger women, but everyone can benefit when the age gap is reversed

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I am 40 year old woman is all about what is. Earlier this annoyed about. Woman and women like an older men, they're way, but never lasted.

Hang out with women, at the best man marry a male human of castor. Re your demographic with last september for. Dating a 40 year old j.