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To charm the girl, you have to exude confidence and show that you're completely comfortable with yourself and that you love talking to people and making them feel great.

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Charming people make the best of everything and are always emphasizing the great things in life -- that's why people want to be around them. Show that you can talk to anyone. Though you should focus on the girl, if her friends are around, you should charm them while keeping her attention.

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This will show that you can keep up a conversation with anyone. Impress her with your wit. Don't just laugh if she says something funny; fire back with a hilarious comment. Don't look too available. Though it's important to get the girl interested, you still have to play it coy if you really want her to hook up with you. No girl wants to hook up with the low-hanging fruit; you should look interested, but not desperate to hook up with her at any cost.

There's a fine line between flirting and coming on too strong, so make sure you don't smother the girl with affection.

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You should compliment her, but don't tell her she's beautiful, amazing, and has an absolutely gorgeous body -- she will start to get overwhelmed or will suspect that you're not really being sincere. Don't talk about how you never get girls and are surprised that a great girl like her is actually talking to you.

You should make her think that girls love talking to you all the time, even if it's not true. Sometimes it helps to make her jealous just a bit.

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Now, if you throw yourself at another girl right in front of her, she'll quickly lose interest. Know when enough is enough. If the girl just isn't having it, you'll know pretty quickly. If you're pulling out all the stops but she's just rolling her eyes, looking around the room, or signaling her friends to save her, then it's time to cut her loose. Don't hang around longer than you're wanted, or you'll just embarrass yourself.

If she doesn't want you, that's okay -- move on and know you'll find someone else who isn't immune to your charms. If she clearly doesn't want you, be a gentleman as you say goodbye. Don't make things worse by saying, "Well, you clearly don't like me" -- instead, just tell her it was nice to meet her and go on your merry way. If it's going well, ask her out.

You can't hook up with her if you don't ask her out, can you? Tell the girl that you've had a great time talking to her and ask her if she wants to pick up the conversation over drinks and dinner some time. Or if you're forward and met her out at a club or a bar, just ask her to come back home with you, but remember that this may make you look like a player if you're just getting to know each other.

But if all you want to do is hook up, then hey--ask her to come over. If you really like the girl, then you should take her on a few dates first before you try to really hook up with her. Once you've got her alone -- whether it's later that same night or after a few dates -- you should set the mood before you try anything so she's feeling more romantic. If she's going back to your place, make sure everything is clean, that the lights are relatively dim, and that you have some provisions -- wine, cheese, chocolate, or other sexy snacks. Be an absolute gentleman when she comes over. Take off and hang up her coat and ask her if she'd like something to drink or eat.

You don't have to go overboard. Just tell her she looks great that night, that you love her earrings, or just say that you like spending time with her. Make her feel special before you even make a move. Tell her something nice that's actually true. She'll be able to tell if you're just buttering her up with compliments to try to get her to hook up.

Try some light touches. If she seems receptive and you're sitting next to her, then you can try some light touches before you start kissing her. Put your arm around her, place your hand on her knee, or even squeeze her hand to let her know that you're into her. You can even gently stroke her hair or put your arm around her waist if you're feeling more forward. See how she responds. If she's comfortable with your touches, then she'll move closer to you, smile, and will start putting her hands on you too.

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Once the light touches have done their trick, you can try to kiss her. Kissing a girl for the first time doesn't have to be scary. Just remember to be confident, take it slow, and know what to do with the rest of your body. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to have a perfect first kiss with the girl, and just focus on enjoying lip-locking with the girl for the first time. Here's how to do it: Look into her eyes and brush her hair out of her face. Let her know that you want to kiss her without saying so. Move toward her with your lips slightly parted.

Kiss her and see how she responds. You can lock lips for a few seconds or even longer if she's pulling away. If she wants to keep kissing, then you can even try to French kiss her after a few minutes; just don't put your tongue into her mouth right away or she'll be thrown off guard. Gently move your hands around her waist or shoulders, but don't start groping her in inappropriate places or she'll get uncomfortable. Touch her more intimately. Once she lets you know that she's ready to take it to the next level, you can start touching her more intimately while you're kissing.

If she moves onto your lap, or if you're on top of her, then things are getting hot and heavy. You can try running your hands over more intimate parts of her body once she's comfortable. This will turn her on and may get her in the mood for more.

How to text a girl you wanna hook up with

If you've been kissing for a while and she's starting to touch you all over, run your hands over her breasts, but do it very carefully to see how she responds. If she lets you know she likes it, then keep going. Stroke her thighs and the space behind her thighs. Keep going as long as she's letting you know she likes it. You can start kissing her on her neck or below her ears.

You don't have to limit kissing to lips. For some people, hooking up just means kissing, and if you've achieved that goal, then be happy for a job well done. But if both of you are wanting more, then it's time to go to the bedroom and start taking off your clothes. Over breakfast you can just talk and get to know her. She wants to see you again and, you know, this is a good thing.

So it solidifies the connection — having breakfast the next morning together will help solidify that. Basically, you can just ping her like a friend — in other words, keep it casual. So if you knew the effect emotionally that you would have on her and you went through with it anyway, you kind of were the douche bag. Stay in the now, stay in the moment. So basically, she has other options.

Hopefully, hope to God, that you made that all clear before you jumped into bed with her. I have this connection with you. Uh, now what do I do? Girls talk about this all the time, by the way. Especially — misnomer, right — the more educated you are the more this talk that actually goes on. The more of a realist you are, the harder it is to faze you and the less judgmental you are.

THIS is How A Girl Wants You to TEXT HER - How to Flirt with A Girl Over Text

You approach dating like the traditional male way of being the hunter and in the way of being the pursuer and being the chaser — of getting, of looking to get things from the man. So one of the things that Matthew was saying earlier was — in the email — was that: These are educated women. But the more career woman she is, the more modern she is, the more educated, sophisticated she is, the more you can talk to her like a realist. The more you can approach her with the kind of masculine take on things.

Always give them that choice. Do not misrepresent yourself, do not lie, do not be deceiving.

3 Ways to Hook Up with a Girl - wikiHow

If you saw a girl — man, if you lined up two dates in a row like off Tinder — on Tinder this is so common, right? Tinder dates are like the new mass speed dating thing. The more courageous and brave you are by just putting yourself out there without hiding anything, the more explicit and clear you are about your own set of values, the easier it will be for you in relationships. Determine your values that you can know where to draw the boundaries.