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Aries love being on their own.

Winning the Heart of an Aries Man

And it surly does not mean that they are not investing in the connection you have. All it means is that they are caught up in their own little bubble. Aries think too much but they live in the moment. They are great conversationalists. Your brain will always be impressed with the words that come out of their mouth.

Aries bring a different perspective on things to life. They inspire you to think differently, to see things differently, to live differently. Aries are sweet lovers. They are hopeless romantics who are always chasing after a fairytale love story.

6 things to know when you are dating an Aries man

Their fiery nature makes them vulnerable to heartache but it also makes their core strong. They are not easily broken, they are not easily damaged, they are not easily destroyed. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. You may unsubscribe at any time.

By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. They Have A Big Heart. They Get Bored Easily. More From Thought Catalog. He will be open to your questions and even likes direct confrontation so he can get straight to the point! Ask him how he feels about you and he will do the same.

There are rarely communication issues when this zodiac sign is trying to win your heart. Another one of the signs an Aries man likes you is he will give you a lot of compliments on your appearance! This zodiac sign is very visual and sees the world from this perspective. He will search for the deeper meaning down the road but typically starts with what is in front of him first.

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  • 12 Obvious Signs an Aries Man Likes You -
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He will be attracted to your appearance and let you know how beautiful he thinks you are! An Aries man is typically gorgeous himself and known to work on his physique. This zodiac sign will also notice all the little details about you when he has feelings for you.

For example, he will take note of your eye color and other facial features when you first meet. The Aries man is being genuine when he gives you compliments and truly wants to make you feel special. Another sign Aries man loves you is he will want to touch and flirt with you constantly. He will not be able to keep his hands off of you as he expresses himself with his fiery personality. This passionate sign has so much energy it will be overflowing when he is around the person he likes. Think funny pranks and cute teasing with this star sign. Laughter and a lot of touching will be his style.

He will try to kiss, hug, and touch you when he can. This affectionate sign is not afraid to cuddle and typically a macho man, he will also want to show you his sensitive side when he likes you.

10 Things To Know Before Dating An Aries

As a form of flirting the Aries man may be somewhat confrontational and try to push your buttons to some extent. Known for being somewhat combative this zodiac sign likes the thrill of a good debate. He will want to connect with you through healthy and playful arguing as a form of flirting. With a mischievous sense of humor this zodiac sign will get a rush out of seeing you get a little flustered and find you absolutely adorable when he flirts with you in this way.

One of the obvious signs an Aries man likes you is when he wants to meet your group of friends. It will be of high importance to him that you know he is interested in what you are up to in your social life. He will be super nice to your friends and may even offer to drive everyone around for a night out so you can relax and enjoy yourself.

This star sign is somewhat of a show off so being your knight in a shining armour in front of your friends is a win for him as well! Expect this outgoing sign to seamlessly fit in with your posse as if he has been there all along.

How to UNDERSTAND and ARIES MAN part one

You get the best of both worlds with this sign; having fun with your crew and your man. Entirely assertive in love, an Aries man is not a time waster and will want to move quickly into a relationship. Once he has locked in on you as his love interest he will put extra effort towards being number one in your life. He will work on his commitment phobia and really try to step it up as a relationship man when he likes you.

This fire sign is known to change his mind frequently and make decisions swiftly. So the additional effort he puts into making a promise to you is a genuine sign that he likes you. This self-assured star sign will go after you with gusto. His more decisive side will come out when he is pursuing a love interest. Motivation to beat out any other suitors vying for your attention will push him harder to win your heart.

The intense and competitive nature of Aries really shows when he is trying to get the gal. Aries is thrilled by the chase, but will be happy to win the prize as well! One of the signs an Aries man loves you is when he puts you first in everything! Associated with the symbol of the ram, this zodiac sign is known for always taking the lead and being first. When he likes someone though it is an entirely different story and we see a different side of the Aries man.

His needs become second to yours and this is one of the obvious signs an Aries man likes you! Your Aries man will be concerned with your comfort, your safety, and your happiness.

6 things to know when you are dating an Aries man

He wants to see you smile and truly feels a rush when he sees you are enjoying yourself because of him. When an Aries man is falling for you he will take into consideration what you need and make sure to take steps to fulfil them. He will make sure he is present for all of your important events. He will be willing to support you through family dinners and gatherings.

Your Aries man will make sure you are protected and safe everywhere you go. This star sign wants to make sure you get the first choice on everything. First dibs on leftovers, your pick of where to eat out, and your choice of movie to see at the theatres when he likes you. Being the same element, these fire signs have frictionless compatibility with each other and are most likely to get along well. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and of the spring season, which is mirrored in his personality.

Aries defaults to a bright-eyed and busy-tailed demeanor, ready for adventure at any given moment. Even on your worst days, that Arian fire can boost your mood and give you a reason to smile.