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Both types are emotional and may have trouble dealing with conflict.

Instead of communicating this frustration, the INFJ may keep it bottled up until it becomes a much bigger issue resulting in a heated argument. This relationship requires clear communication and understanding.

Both types are introverts and feelers who appreciate harmony and seek to deeply understand their romantic partners, as well as to be understood by them. Instead of relying on intuition or logic, ISFPs are driven by what they feel in the moment. This could result in communication and decision-making issues within the relationship. Issues can also arise due to the J-P difference. INFJs need to understand that their ISFP partner feels happiest when they are allowed flexibility and the ability to make impulsive decisions. Both partners need to understand these differences and be willing to compromise for a happy and fulfilled relationship.

Are you in a rel ationship with an SP? What are some of the benefits and struggles of your relationship? Do you have any other advice for these couples?

Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger. Megan is an introvert and INFJ personality type who enjoys reading, researching, and writing about personality psychology and human behavior. As the founder of this blog, Megan wants to help other INFJs better understand their personality to improve their personal and professional lives. Since NF types feel deeply, they can experience passionate relationships fueled by emotional depth and…. I however prefer quite a solid plan to follow in my life. Although I am aware that things change, I feel as though I am pretty certain about the general outline of how my life will go — whereas my partner is pretty much clueless — and prefers it that way!

He prefers not to set anything in stone. It does take a lot of thinking before I reach a decision because I am a perfectionist, but once I have made that decision, I am fully confident in that choice.


This was just my experience and I hope this can help you in some tangible way! Thanks for the insight. I am of the opinion that as we get older we become more mature. So under this train of thought, I think understanding and communication has a better likelihood of developing later on. What I do know is that if you think it's worth it, go for it.

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You never know, being in a relationship right now might be the catalyst for your growth and hers. It's very possible you mature together and it wont end up in flames. You gotta try, to know. It really depends what kind of INFJ you are. If you want your wife to be super simple and carefree then sure. When I mean simple I mean she won't be able to converse with you about deep topics. She'll listen and she can go on the surface level, but she won't be able to go further.

If your guys values are aligned then it'll work out maybe but you're also 23 and young.

How Compatible is an ISFP Relationship With Other Personality Types?

You're still learning about yourself and i'm sure she is as well. I understand you said intuition doesnt matter to you now but it will matter in the future. Also if you care more about the ability to able to express yourself you have to consider Fe verses Fi. You'll understand more when you guys get into conflict. It doesnt work out long term. I know you want to think about the possibilities of the relationship, but you're better off dating someone who has Ti and Fe or maybe even an ENFP.

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They always relate as friends. Their nuisances are enchanting. ISFPs tend to get deeper as they get older, but it will never be to the level of your Ni friends. I grew up in an S environment and never really expected deep conversation with anyone never even knew it could be a thing. But I have lots of N friends now, to bounce my ideas off.

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The ISFP is by far and away the most fascinating to me. Good to see that you have the same opinion. Model G socionics can actually predict this. In model G, these two types share strong Se and Fi. Other great matches for INFJs: The nature of romance changes with each of these pairings.

This is forward but is there anyway I could contribute some material online towards this opinion? D or publish a blog or something Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds.

ISFP and INFJ relationships | INFJ Forum

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Trusts flashes from the unconscious, which may be hard for others to understand.