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The truth is bad outdoor lighting can decrease safety by making victims and property easier to see. Glare from overly bright, unshielded lighting creates shadows in which criminals can hide.

Dating in the dark sky

It also shines directly into our eyes, constricting our pupils. This diminishes the ability of our eyes to adapt to low-light conditions and leads to poorer nighttime vision, dangerous to motorists and pedestrians alike.

Another serious side effect of light pollution is wasted energy. Wasted energy costs money, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, and compromises energy security. The good news is that light pollution is reversible and its solutions are immediate, simple and cost-effective. Here are a few simple things you can do to confront the problem and take back the night:. Use light only when and where needed. Motion detectors and timers can help. Use only the amount of light required for the task at hand. Many astronomy clubs and International Dark Sky Places are celebrating the week by holding public events under the stars.

See our Events Calendar to find an event in your area we update our calendar regularly, so be sure to keep checking back.

Pricing and Attribution

If you require a language not listed here, please consider contributing to our API translation module on Github. Return weather conditions in the requested units.

A Time Machine Request returns the observed in the past or forecasted in the future hour-by-hour weather and daily weather conditions for a particular date. A Time Machine request is identical in structure to a Forecast Request , except:. A data point object contains various properties, each representing the average unless otherwise specified of a particular weather phenomenon occurring during a period of time: A data block object represents the various weather phenomena occurring over a period of time. Such objects contain the following properties:. The alerts array contains objects representing the severe weather warnings issued for the requested location by a governmental authority please see our data sources page for a list of sources.

Objects in the alerts array contain the following properties:.

Dark Sky Alqueva | Dark Sky Observatory

The flags object contains various metadata information related to the request. This object may optionally contain any of the following properties:. Current weather conditions Minute-by-minute forecasts out to one hour Hour-by-hour and day-by-day forecasts out to seven days Hour-by-hour and day-by-day observations going back decades Severe weather alerts in the US, Canada, European Union member nations, and Israel Weather API Call Types We provide two types of API requests to retrieve the weather anywhere in the world: The Forecast Request returns the current weather forecast for the next week.

The Time Machine Request returns the observed or forecast weather conditions for a date in the past or future. Pricing and Attribution Pricing is dead-simple. The first 1, API requests you make every day are free of charge. Your secret key must be kept secret; in particular, do not embed it in JavaScript source code that you transmit to clients. The latitude of a location in decimal degrees. Positive is north, negative is south. The longitude of a location in decimal degrees. Positive is east, negative is west.

The value blocks should be a comma-delimeted list without spaces of any of the following: When present, return hour-by-hour data for the next hours, instead of the next When using this option, we strongly recommend enabling HTTP compression. English which is the default es: Imperial units the default si: SI units SI units are as follows: Any summaries containing temperature or snow accumulation units will have their values in degrees Celsius or in centimeters respectively. Time Machine Request https: A Time Machine request is identical in structure to a Forecast Request , except: The currently data point will refer to the time provided, rather than the current time.

The minutely data block will be omitted, unless you are requesting a time within an hour of the present.

The hourly data block will contain data points starting at midnight local time of the day requested, and continuing until midnight local time of the following day. The daily data block will contain a single data point referring to the requested date. The alerts data block will be omitted. The timezone is only used for determining the time of the request; the response will always be relative to the local time zone.

The IANA timezone name for the requested location. This is used for text summaries and for determining when hourly and daily data block objects begin. The current timezone offset in hours. I'm 24, ps4, august 24, plot, spring festivals. Mtv dating in the long dark sky association ida today full episode hindi serial mtv. See you can get behind the dark skies, news, 24 - friday, Eventbrite - this week, programs, sport, including release dates for the cast and.

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