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They also often have a very hard time understanding why anyone would want an alt, or could have relationships with their alt that have nothing to do with some other avatar that they own. To people in the "my avatar is me" camp, that is cheating. The ones who see their avatar as themselves will inevitably get hurt emotionally, when the one who doesn't see it that way can't give that same level of real-life emotional or relationship commitment.

This still won't stop problems where one side intentionally lies to the other about their position or circumstances. But that is no different than dating in real life. And it still won't prevent someone who starts out in one camp from crossing the line emotionally and drifting into the other.

Some times a relationship may form with the best of intentions, and evolve in unexpected ways. Those are the risks you take with any relationship. The best thing do do is before things get intimate, make sure you know which camp you and the other person are in. If you already have a RL girlfriend, and are just looking for in-world entertainment, make sure that any potential in-world intimate friends know and accept that, from the beginning.

Being clear on expectations is an essential part of making any relationship work. Ignoring that is like knowing you could only marry a girl of the same religion that you follow, and of the same ethnicity, but choosing to date girls of any religious background or ethnicity. At some point, that failure to make your own expectations clear, that your future bride has to be Black and Southern Baptist, for example, could blow up in your face when that Japanese Shinto-faith girl you've been fooling around with wants to marry you, or you suddenly realize she's become your lifemate, but that your family would never accept her as your bride.

It is strange, as I did this a few days ago, so when I you told me what I could do, I went to see if it was not here, and it was not! I read an article that the brain can't sort reality from virtual experiences. I dream I am in SL. I don't play games with hearts or minds. Realtionships for me in SL are the same as RL.

Ceera has answerered your question comprehensively and it really couldn't be put better. To the OP, i'm glad that you care enough about not hurting people's feelings that you posted the question. You don't need to remind anyone each time you're online that you're taken in RL. You just need to amend your profile accordingly. OK right then my friend is dead I guess Is there a difference between felings in SL and RL?

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Is it not one and the same human being behind the avatar? Many poeople think that they can RP and keep them separate, but that is not usually the case when emotions become involved, it would take a fine actor to do that. I think there is a tendancy with younger people to think of avs as fictional or uinimportant, perhaps because they have grown up with video games, but other avs on SL are real, not computer generated. I am the same way too Faye. Sadly enough there's not many of us out there in SL. To most ppl in SL everything is a game.

I always tell 'm then go play the sims that's a game. SL is a virtual world not a game and you do deal with rl human beings who are behind the avatar with RL emotions feelings thoughts etc. What gives you the right to tell me how to do SL, 2. This thread is from Don't just fit her into your schedule.

If she means that much to you, then on occasion move things around just so that you can be with her. Give her little surprises. Cooking her favorite meal or buying her a small gift it doesn't have to be expensive, it should just show that you know her and what she likes are great ideas.

When she's dressed up to meet you for a night out, realize that she's invested her time and money to do so and make her feel good for it: I say all these with the strong caveat that she should be invested in you and of course a sexual relationship should have already been established. Investment equilibrium always applies. If she hasn't invested too much into you perhaps by not sleeping with you yet , then it would be uncomfortable for you to be investing too much into her.

RL and SL Feelings - Lifestyles and Relationships - SecondLife Community

So, next time you're trying to date a girl and you feel like you've done everything correctly but for some reason the relationship isn't as strong as you want it to be, ask yourself if you've shown a genuine interest in dating her and whether this has been apparent with how you've tried to build your relationship with her. As an example, after you slept with her, did you:.

There's a whole spectrum of investment strategy there. There's no right answer, but realize that which option you go for will affect which sort of relationship you might have with her. At the end of the day, whether she meets you on that ground depends on what she wants and what she's willing to invest in you. The road runs both ways - she might want option c , but maybe that's not what you want. Investment equilibrium is something that seems completely obvious, and should be to anyone who read the page chapter on Relationships in Magic Bullets , but I think it's something that is all too easily forgotten when you're learning seduction skills.

At the end of the day, no one is going to have a happy relationship with someone who isn't willing to invest in it as much as he is.

SL: "Did She Break The Girl Code"

This isn't just about romantic or sexual relationships, it's about friendships and business relationships too. There needs to be an equilibrium for a relationship to work. This means that your relationship, the one you've left struggling and floundering outside the world of the computer, is still your relationship and you are still not single for that fellow sleek and sexy cat person.

That being said a lying, manipulative avatar is probably just as untrustworthy in real life as they are in Second Life. This means, Amy Taylor, that after you caught your ex's avatar in a compromising position with a virtual prostitute that it was a good indication he may cheat again, either on or offline.

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Gamers want us to understand their culture; that their virtual worlds are real and thriving places to them that allow them to spend a bit of time forgetting their daily struggles and experience things they would otherwise be unable to do. In turn, they need to understand that participation in their virtual world does not excuse them from living in reality and that all the hard work and effort necessary for a successful relationship applies both online and off.

The problem is, you're already in a relationship outside of Second Life. Order by newest oldest recommendations.

There's nothing virtual about betrayal

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