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Quick tips for girls who are keen to develop things further than a friendship with women they have met online. If you are not looking to get laid don't go there. If you are there, don't be surprised at some of the responses. Take a look in your own mirror. I have tried several of the sites above. Oh its great if you are some well off good looking guy. But us Joe Smoes out there get inboxes full of girls but we can't look at them until we pay up. The minute we do, suddenly no one talks to you.

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Online dating is for the well to do, smooth talkers, and the good looking. For guys who are genuine and respond to womens' profiles not just their pictures it would be nice to receive a reply such as, "Not feeling chemistry, but thanks for the message. The frustration of men comes from being earnest about responding thoughtfully and then getting no reply whatsoever. These men don't reply back nastily, but just accept that there won't be a reply.

But it would be nice to get a reply either way. Some of us women do write well thought out messages and the men won't respond. I wonder if these dating sites use algorithms to block matched users from seeing each other unless one of them pays up. And the longer you pay them, the fewer matches you get. I've read other comments from users who said as soon as they're about to cancel, they get better matches.

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Some of these end up being fake profiles created by the company or stolen accounts from previous users. I think we're dealing with ransom level corruption with dating apps looking to turn a profit. On ok Cupid I once had a guy message me they wanted to dress up in a French maid costume and be my table. I kid you not. Interesting article but I do feel it's a bit one sided I just don't have a problem with that.

For women it is a more pressing issue of safety. Anyway, I tried Match for a year. My view is it was a total waste of money not counting the value of learning that fact.

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I would say I'm a good guy but then again who wouldn't. For what it's worth, my experience was reading over profiles and I couldn't even guess on how many I viewed. Most of those were dreadful tripe or just plain lazy. Despite that I ended up sending about attempts to start a conversation in hopes of finding more substance. Most of these were along the lines of "Hello, I see you like art museums. Do you have a favorite artist or style? I'm a fan of impressionists and really like VanGogh. Would you care to talk a little? I deleted the income and everything but the Match solicitations ended.

I ended with a shorter summary and no income. In the end I had 4 actual responses, about 15 read notifications without response and at least 2 solicitations from Match a day. Not a good percentage to be sure. Maybe I'm just a horrible guy but if not then I have a theory about what is going on. I'm thinking when Match started having the men pay so the women can read that the number of women with paid accounts dropped.

Interesting to me that salary was a bigger driver than summary. I guess some women are just looking for a paycheck, I just didn't realize how many on Match were. Unfortunately I was trying to find a friend and partner in life. Maybe I will someday. Hopefully my experience will help other descent guys thinking of Match.

Unfortunately I still am on Match.

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As my subscription ended I actually found someone that was talking to me. I didn't figure it was serious but we were talking and I liked that. I tried to send alternate means of keeping the conversation going with no luck. After the subscription ended I got several notifications of messages and finally decided it was worth the cash just to keep the pen pal. On renewing my account about 3 days I messaged her and she responded that I should renew so we could keep talking.

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When I told her I already had the conversation ended and she blocked me. My suspicion is that was some form of customer retention activity but maybe I am just paranoid. At this point I have stopped messaging women. I update my profile summary periodically and wait to see if anyone has interest in me so I feel I am not aggressively seeking anything.

So far nothing and I don't expect there will be any until the subscription gets close to expiring. Hopefully I finally learned my lesson on that. I love the idea of finding someone that way but it is a fairy tale from what I have seen. Hopefully it's a fairy tale someone else gets to live.

I like that idea. It's how it's been done since the dawn of man and still being done today. If you feel a computer and "profile" is some kind of required to find a truly loving relationship wishing you all the best with that attitude. I'm not saying you don't want to set yourself up, or go out to places where you could be noticed or approached. But it also happens when your not "desperately" chasing it either like people are online. Another reason I don't favor online dating is it sets most up with this "let me look for grass that might be greener on the side" type mentality. Strong relationships are built strong, seasoned and nurtured with time and care -- there is no grass is greener on the other side.

Hannah, that's exactly the type of mentality that is ruining most of relationships. You gave it a perfect name. Yes, indeed most people are not willing to sacrifice or compromise anything for a good relationship nowadays, and always going on with that "the grass may be greener on the other side" type of mentality.

Not leaning towards the troubles women go through with online dating Yes, women must be on their guard No bad women of course. I've had some success with some wonderful ladies, some are not so nice. Either a guy gets a reply from a gal he's attracted to or "cricket" If she is attractive she has the pick of the bunch. It's a crap shoot.

Not all guys are bad unfortunately bad apples can ruin many. One was a sex act, one a pic of his bowel movement. I blocked him after the texts wouldn't stop. Women please please b careful - have the long talks letting them talk more - they will tell u all u need without knowing. I never spoke about sex w this freak but he accused me of playing sex games.

Terrifying that I met someone straight out a serial killer movie or criminal minds. I hope he gets locked up. Mind u this man "seemed " normal until I stopped talking to him.

I was sent 2 messages by a disappointed man in his late 60's. The messages were abusive, and scared the hell out of me!!

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I am no longer interested in online dating sites. Men have unrealistic expectations for women my age. And most look like serial killers. They need to learn how to take more flattering pics of themselves. I also encountered at least 6 fraudulent male profiles. Thank you for saying this.