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Type A vs. Type B Personality

You can enjoy lasting happiness with your laid-back lover without compromising your own values. Just consider the following relationship tips for type-A personalities. Type-A personality types plan a lot.

  1. 9 Relationship Tips for Type-a Personalities Who Date Type-Bs …?
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  3. 10 Reasons To Date A Type A Personality, According To Relationship Experts.

You have schedules, you know what you want to do, and you don't like veering off course. They tend to care less about winning and more about enjoying themselves so they tend to be happier and less stressed.

What You Need To Know If You Love Someone Who's 'Type A'

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. We were taught and influenced that certain traits were desirable and others not so much, so no matter who we truly are we try to exemplify those desirable traits and shun the others.

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  • The most common form of this is in the idea that we should be doctors and lawyers and forget any notion of becoming an artist or, really, anything other than one of half a dozen well-respected professions. Type B personalities are generally considered well-tempered and relaxed and, because these qualities are quite noticeable in our regular behavior, you might have concluded long ago that you were a Type B personality.

    3 Signs You’re a Type A Personality Disguised as a Type B

    However, not all Type A personalities have short fuses. Remember, real human beings are more complex than any personality trait system can ever fully gauge. Or, at the very least, a Type A with some Type B characteristics.

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    Did you grow up with someone close to you, a parent or role model, telling you to be content with what you have and to not be greedy? Any non-worriers out there ever date or currently dating a total stress whore? Can you get along without bringing their stress into your life or has it been an epic failure?

    1. Stay Organized

    You can guess why we broke up but thats not the only reason. My ex was super organised and I am the opposite. I remember going on holidays with her, she would wake me up at 7am and have the day planned, sighteeing here and a tour to wherever