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First of all, you're generalizing. Just because a person can have a good time going to a bar and drinking doesn't mean that's how everyone gets down. Secondly, the law is on my side on this one. People are mature enough to make the decision to go off to war at They're mature enough to vote. They're mature enough to sign legally binding NBA contracts. They're mature enough to be tried as adults for their crimes. The only real difference, in the eyes of the law, is the legal drinking age And that's only in the US, as it is 18 in most other Western nations.

There's no compelling reason to think a 25 year old dating a 19 year old is inherently creepy or wrong. Well good for you? What I'm saying is that I would have serious questions about a guy if I found out he was still dating teenagers.

Likewise, I would never date one myself. I don't really give a rat's ass what the law says, I'm not prosecuting you, I just wouldn't date you. Plus you're most likely dating a high schooler. You're probably gonna get some grief for that. The practical difference between 17 and 21 may not be much because 18 is an arbitrary number OP could keep his hands off until she's done opening all the B-day presents when she turns 18 but people are going to make assumptions.

I personally feel most people should not seriously date until they have graduated or left high school at the very least. It's not that I think that people who have graduated high school are inherently more mature or some switch gets flipped It's all well and good to learn how to end a relationship early, but why put yourself through that? I mean, if she skips town on her parents to go to college on another coast, the two of you probably couldn't make a relationship work. So why try to force one now? Even if it's legal I'm 21 as well, and here's my thoughts: I'm gonna be bored out of my mind talking to a seventeen year old.

Even if she's mature, we're at such completely different stages of our lives that the distance will effect everything in the relationship. Someone is liable to get emotionally hurt in such a situation, and I'm pretty sure it won't be you. Scott is 22, Knives is 16 or 17 don't know exact age, just high schooler.

Knives emotionally latches onto Scott, as high school girls are wont to do, and he destroys her world when he breaks up with her for an older, more mature girl. I have a close friend at that age we met when I was a senior and she was a freshmen four years ago but for a relationship, yeah that's weird. This is what will happen. You will have a great time talking to her online, and she will never, ever, meet you in person. As a 17 year old girl, I'd say don't. There is other girls, and I know for me it's hard not to talk to every guy who gives me attention.

You remember when ou were 17, and you were probably a lot different. I'm dating the most remarkable person I have ever met in my life and I started high school when it was his senior year. We met my first year of college. Everything is going well. It just depends on similar maturity levels. That's where I would draw the line. If she's not in college yet she's too young. The age difference isn't much, but the fact that she's still in high school and you're almost at the age of being done with college, it's a whooooole different thing.

I have experience dating a younger girl like this, her still in HS and me in college. I thought it would be okay but the maturity difference was so big. Idk I'd say it's not worth it. Age is juts a number. If she's mentally well beyond the typical 17 year old, I don't personally see a fault with it. As long as you're not taking advantage of a naive youngster, no harm no foul.

That's why we have age of consent laws, to protect the naive. It's not wrong or anything, but there is a pretty significant maturity gap between 21 and Also, aren't you the guy with the virginity post? When you are an "adult" and she is a teenager, the campsite rule applies, which means you have to leave things the same or better than they were when you found them. This is probably damn near impossible if you are just trying to lose your virginity and have no frame of reference for relationships that is what your post said, right?

Yes, yes she is. In four years it won't be so bad, but at certain ages two people can be at different ends of the spectrum of life despite being only four years apart. I've been through a lot of stuff from like most people. You're not creepy unless you're harassing her, which you're not.

Truth is, teen girls are immature just because of their age. Odds are she enjoys the whole "older guy" thing, but the gap in life experience between you maybe you've finished college, worked, and traveled is so great, you're going to feel creepy trying to relate to someone who simply hasn't gone through these things. I dated a 22 year old at And although we both thought I was mature and level-headed, it didn't work out in the end although I had a great time.

Now, I'm 22 and looking back I'm just thinking about how creepy that was! I don't care how mature you think a 17 year old is, they are not. You change and develop so much during those last years between your teens and your twenties. If you think it's weird, then it is. Being in high school and being about to graduate college are two very different stages of life.

21 year old dating a 17 year old, wrong? - The Student Room

Ya don't worry about being creepy. Date her but dont have sexual relations with her. But if you must have sex with her, wait until she is I just got out of a long-term relationship with a guy who was 5 years older than me I was 18 when we met, he was I was still in high school when we started dating, and he was in his last year of college.

It's been great, he was my best friend, age was never really an issue, it was more like something we joked about.


I dated a 17 year old once. It's one thing to date a younger girl with maturity issues, it's another to date a high schooler with maturity issues. The personality is the biggest thing I would be concerned about. Think about who you were when you were 17 and compare that to now. Most likely a lot has changed. That is the biggest concern, but everyone is different.

Welcome to Reddit,

Some people know who they are young, are following a path, they are perfectly happy, and succeeding and little will change. Others like me it is the opposite I changed dramatically from 17 to We dated for 3 and a half years before we got married, and we've been married for almost 6 years now. He was always being teased about "robbing the cradle" but it didn't matter. I would say if she's still in High School, avoid the sexy times, even if it's legal. I just don't think it's tasteful. But talking to her and dating her in general isn't such a big deal.

Do you know how her parents feel about it? That might make a difference in how the relationship eventually pans out. Legalities can be thrown to the wind and if she likes you, she can become overly emotional and attached, which may cause her to act out in ways that could land you in a fuck ton of trouble. My advice would be to end it now and walk away, but it's your choice.

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