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25 Secret Signs He’s Confessing His Love For You

He has big dreams and always seems to include you in them. Maybe he mentions moving in together, buying a home, or having a child. He quickly accommodates your needs , from the smallest thing — like needing a few more minutes to get ready, to the bigger things — such as taking time off work to take care of you when sick.

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Read more about Power of Positivity Subscribe to our newsletter. Related Lifestyle Read More. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. Take a step back.

Be rational for a moment, and take stock of the situation. Consider your relationship to this person, and try to predict how they will receive your words.

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Ask yourself whether there's a realistic chance that they love you back. If so, then you just need to how to figure out how to make your move. If not, then you will need to tread very carefully. You will need to think long and hard about how your confession of love will affect the friendship. Falling in love with your best friend can be wonderful — provided that he or she returns your feelings.

Make sure that you mean it.

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If you have never been in love before, it may be hard to understand the implications of this phrase. There are many types of love: If you truly feel that you are romantically in love with this person, then you should tell them. However, it is important to consider the gravity of your words. Love means something different to everyone. Some say that young people tend to confuse "true love" with a shallower level of infatuation or "puppy love. Be true in your intentions. Do not tell someone "I love you" just to get them to pay more attention to you.

Love Confessions In Japanese: What To Say To Win Them Over

Only say this if you plan to follow up on your words. Romantic love usually implies a certain level of care and involvement with a person. If you are unsure, then test the waters with words that don't carry so much weight. Say, will you go out with me, "I really like you," or "You make me feel so happy.

Say that you love something about the person. Try, "I love the way you dance," or "I love the way you think. Consider that life is short, and that love is a perfectly valid feeling. If you love someone, there will always be a chance that they do not love you back, or that they will fall out of love with you down the line. However, this is a thing that is inside you, and it is a thing that you cannot ignore.

Sometimes, the only way is forward, even if you are afraid. Part 1 Quiz What can you say to test the waters before saying "I love you"? Choose a romantic setting. Try for a quiet place where the two of you can be alone. The particular place will depend on who you're confessing your love to. Choose a place that is special to both of you. Make a meaningful moment. Confessing your love can be a big deal for both people involved, and it's important to make it special. You can plan it out, or you can wait for an organically intimate moment.

The moment might be sweepingly dramatic, or it might be wonderfully simple. Say it when you feel truly inspired.

How to Confess Your Love to Someone: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

This might happen during a beautiful sunset after a perfect day together, or when "your song" comes on during a big school dance, or when you're both laughing together, happy simply to be with one another. Watch romantic scenes in movies and shows for inspiration. Analyze the scenes when the protagonist confesses his or her love. Understand the mood that you want to strike.

Make sure that the two of you are alone. You can make a dramatic public confession, if you feel that it's appropriate. Remember, however, that the person you love may not appreciate the unexpected attention. If you are alone together, then you give the person the space to respond more comfortably. Arrange to meet the person, if you don't already have a date to meet up. Ultimately, in the moment, you will need to let things take their course. However, you can certainly set the scene so that your confession is romantic and timely.

Make sure that you won't be rushed, and that you know what you are going to say. You can also write your confession into a letter, if you cannot be with the one you love.

telling my best friend i like her...

This method can still be very intimate, even if it is a little more abstract. Have his or her full attention. Don't confess your love when someone is distracted with something else, or worried about something, or preparing to leave. The words will be more powerful if you're gazing into each other's eyes.