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Questions About Dating

Tell you the trick, in order to leave her speechless with your wits, if she asks you a question sometime, answer in a question too. For assistance, look at what follows: What did you think about me when you first saw me? Do I make you happy? Which song comes to your mind and heart, while you think of me? When exactly did you fall in love with me? What are the things that remind you of me? What are your feelings about our first kiss? What is the sexiest thing about me? What would you like me to call you?

Who would be your dream date?

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Where would you like to go for your honeymoon? How can I make you feel more special? What is it I have to do to keep you in my life forever?

35 Questions to Ask a Girl you like on a Date

Which is the one flaw in me that you hate the most and want me to correct? What kind of lingerie do you like? Describe your idea of a perfect night together. Do you feel comfortable in initiating sex? If you have to be in a long distance relationship, are you willing to fight it out?

How many kids would you like to have? By what time would you want me to be back from work? Do you believe that I am your soulmate? How do you want the wedding to be? Did you take anyone's help to figure out how to ask me out on a date? What is your idea of being happily married?

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  2. Fun, Sweet, Naughty, and Witty Dating Questions to Ask a Girl;
  3. + Deep Questions to Ask a Girl | PairedLife.
  4. Just started dating each other? Nothing's better than starting to know her by throwing some fun questions. Keep the moment light, and explore her layer by layer not literally, lord bless your mind! Following are what you could pick from: Do I impress you? Who was your favorite cartoon character as a child? What would be that one superpower you'd want to have? What is the dumbest question you've been asked ever? What is the wildest thing you've ever done? What's your favorite cuss word?

    Have you ever broken a bone of a person? What are things you like to do alone? What makes you laugh the hardest? What is your wildest fantasy till date?

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    Which Hollywood actor would you want, as a part of it? If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it? How would you want to take revenge with your boss? Do you pick your nose and rub it on the couch when no one is looking?

    Questions to Get to Know Someone

    Can you see dead people? Which was the most embarrassing moment of your life? What's the cheesiest compliment that you have ever received, be it by a girl or a guy? Have you ever developed feelings for a girl? Did you ever have a crush on any of your male teachers? Would you like to take a stroll or join a sport activity while on beach? What would be that one thing you wouldn't be caught dead doing?

    Can you fake any accent? If yes, would you show me? Can I see what's all inside your handbag? Have you ever dressed like a bimbo? What could qualify as a deep question? In my view, the one that attempts to unveil all the mysteries that the female has hidden within herself with regards to the relationship between both of you. For some thought-provoking, personal questions, here are my top picks: What is intimacy for you? According to you, what makes for a perfect man? If I were to have had a past relationship, would that bother you?

    If you had a chance to mend an ex relationship, or to change its course, would you take it? What is your saddest memory? What is the most important thing taught to you by your family?

    35 Questions to Ask a Girl you like on a Date

    What is your biggest fear? What turns you off the most? When you pray, whom do you pray for? What does a good relationship look like? What was the most frightening moment of your life? Have you ever been cheated? Have you ever taken any antidepressants or anxiety medication? Do you think of me as the only one you could tell anything and everything to? Which is the song that makes you cry? Do you give out second chances too easily? How would you feel if I told you I still have feelings for my ex? Do you regret any of your decisions?

    Which advise do you think was the best that you have received? Do you have a picture about the dream home in your mind? Who would be that one celebrity you'd want to switch life with? It is really important that you ask the right questions at the right time, since inappropriately timed questions can hamper your chances of winning another date. Listed below are some questions that get you going, but it is up to you to figure out the right time to ask them. The trick is to discover the other person slowly, to keep the interest sustained.

    Once you ask of these questions, you’ll be on your way to Chrissy Teigen and John Legend status.

    So avoid making the first date a marathon question and answer session! Instead, spread them out over a few dates, starting off with the really casual questions on the first date, and then making them more personal or intimate. Try to keep the questions to a reasonable amount, say maybe 5 to 6 questions per date. What you have to realize is that asking questions is not the only way to get to know someone. Starting random conversations and getting the other person to open up is a skill, which you will have to acquire, or polish!