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Research reveals when couples go through each stage of dating | Metro News

You stay together or you split up. Not at all bleak and uninspiring. Dating website eHarmony surveyed more than 1, people from Australia to find out the stages each major relationship goes through and when they happen — from the first time couples have sex to how long it takes to move on after a breakup. The research found that one in four of us share a kiss on the first date, one in ten would wait more than three weeks before a smooch, and the national average in Australia is to wait a month.

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The majority of those surveyed also said that they wait three months to have sex with a potential partner for the first time. One in three people believe you need to have a proper talk to become exclusive with another person we tend to agree , while another third said they just go on their gut feeling.

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Six months in is also when people feel like they can actually be open and vulnerable with their partners, talking about their feelings and crying in front of each other. You cook for each other, with each other.

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After three months, you begin to have routines. You see each other on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. You sleep at her place two days a week. You wake up, get dressed, go to work together. You make dinner on Friday nights.


You have different kisses for different situations. Long, passionate kisses, warm and wet and deep. Short pecks, silly kisses on the lips and cheeks.

Kisses on the eyes and nose, and behind the ears and along the nape of your necks. Along the body and breasts and sides. You talk about the future — where to meet tomorrow for lunch; what to cook for Sunday; dream homes and furniture; baby names.

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  • Research reveals when couples go through each stage of dating.

You joke about the future, and yet there are grains of truth in jest, and grains of hope that the future you imagine for you both may come to pass. You have long talks about nothing and everything, about the trivial and the serious. After three months, you talk about being exclusive, about labels, about dreams and hopes and fears. You open up, you build trust, because trust is built one day at a time, one kiss at a time, one promise at a time.

You trust and your close your eyes and you trust. After three months you begin to love, truly deeply love. No longer merely the passion of the moment but the deep caring that comes with time, of being with someone who amazes you each day, who makes you smile. You appreciate that they smile each time they see you. You start to want to be their forever.

You want them to be your forever. You want to be theirs, and you want them to be yours. You trade pieces of yourselves.