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Finding someone and loving someone should not be a drag or a chore. Trying to force something to work for the sake of it is not likely to go well. And everyone already has everything they need to accomplish that. As with any self-help, advice-type book, there are going to be parts that resonate and parts that don't, and this one is no exception. There were parts I loved and others that annoyed me so much I actually blacked them out. I would recommend taking some of the science parts with a grain of salt - at some points Dr.

Ali is good at admitting he's taking complex, multi-faceted, on-going research and distilling it into a sound bite but he's not consistent. Particularly with the gender differences and some of the belief stuff earlier on in the book. And some of the "science" is a bit of a stretch or just plain bad.

Case in point, in one exercise you're asked to twist around as far as you can, then IMAGINE yourself being able to twist your torso around and around again, and then repeat, seeing if you can actually twist further the second time. Is it the power of visualization, as Dr.

Ali and his "science" suggests, or more that you limbered yourself up by twisting the first time? Ali's description of Taoist philosophy, that is, it was way oversimplified and cursory. But given Taoism, that either wouldn't make much sense or would be a compliment.

So, instead, I'll say that if the Taoist perspective appealed to you I'd recommend searching out Taoist texts and sitting with them. This book is absolutely excellent!!

Home - Dr. Ali Binazir, Happiness Engineer

I never thought a book on dating would actually be useful, but this one definitely is. I would highly recommend it to any smart women who's about to head into the world of dating, or has been dating for a while and struggling with the process. Thanks Ali - I think you might have changed my life. This book is a bit touchy-feely.

Some of the exercises that he advises readers to do are a bit out-there.

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But I guess if it helps you get in touch with your authentic self, then great. It's not the best dating book I've ever read, but it's good. I'd recommend it especially to those who have a spiritual streak or are looking for more off-beat, unconventional advice.

The Tao of Dating for Men: Always leave her wanting more

I was impressed with how the advice Dr. Ali B proposed for how to comport oneself while dating was actually the best advice for "Winning at Life. If you have been engaging in some dating insanity of course you have, or you wouldn't be shopping for dating advice books , then reading this one will point you toward peace in your interactions with dates.

Excellent book on living life from a more fulfilled point of view I highly recommend for all women regardless of whether they are single or in a relationship. Loved every word of this book. All felt relevant to the tea. This book helped me to reevaluate and reanalyze myself, my dating patterns, my weak and strong personal sides and to readjust my behavior.

The Tao of Dating is an interesting book to read. Although I have already know most of the basic knowledge about "the law of attraction" or Tao Te Ching, Ali Binazir have give me the practical ways to use those insight in dating. Sep 15, Lynnette Dinh rated it liked it Shelves: This is the ultimate roadmap to being a superstar of dating. I got a mini ebook by the same fellow and it hyped that The Tao of Dating was the best selling dating guide on Amazon. I decided to see what he could offer me.

It focused as much on personal development as it did with relating to the opposite sex. The book alternated chapters on how to improve your dating skills and how to better yourself as a person. Binazir was not messing around when he titled his book. Taoism and the Tao Te I got a mini ebook by the same fellow and it hyped that The Tao of Dating was the best selling dating guide on Amazon.

Taoism and the Tao Te Ching feature just as prominently as the dating advice. I really enjoyed the spiritual side that brought to this book. It really resonated with me and it was spiritually soothing to see them again mock if you must. He wants women to honor the sacred feminine and have more passive roles in their loves lives at least in the pursuing stage. Wicoff complained that men feel pressured to propose and fire back that women should let them do it in their own time.

Women then have to fake nonchalance and be disingenuous to themselves so the men can feel true to themselves by proposing at their leisure. Binazir cited men proposing as one of the reasons women should hold back. I think we need more balance in gender relationships but we also have to face the way the world is and try to make small changes. Women either have to be OK playing a secondary role in their love lives or bucking gender norms consequences be damned. Overall though, I really liked this book.

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I thought it had a lot to offer women on a couple of levels. Because the Tao Te Ching features so prominently, several pieces of the dating advice can also apply to life like being radiant or not over thinking. Since I had this on ebook I utilized the highlight and bookmark features. I purchased this book July , after re-entering the single scene and needing some dating pointers. This book turned out to be so much more than just dating "pointers" In the very first chapter Dr.

Binazir points out "Deep down, women seek relationships not because they want a particular guy, but rather because they want the feelings that a good relationship brings them. In chapter two 2 Dr. A guides you through discovering or analyzing "who you really are" and gives you different techniques from meditation to yoga to help you along. This book is really about you, not about dating!

I mean yes, he does eventually get to the dating part, but by the time you get to it you are so empowered, feeling sexy, grateful and loving towards yourself, the dating stuff is just icing. This book has helped me change how I view and treat myself as well as the ones I love. He doesn't have you make drastic sudden changes at once, however one step or chapter at a time he has you try new things and by the end of the book you are like: Wow, how can something so simple be so life changing?

I read so many books, I forget who said what. Not the case with this book, my friends and I are always making references to it, but most important, any time I have had a question, I have emailed Dr. A and guess what? He has responded, not brushing me off, but an actual detailed email with his thoughts on the matter. Most times the question has not been about the book but about life in general. His blog is outstanding, I follow it religiously.

Since reading this book, I meditate more, am more faithful to yoga or working out, I engage in more "feel good" activities, I feel even better about myself I always have, more so now and most importantly I'm always seeking to do what makes me feel good and happy. This was an amazing purchase. I had to come back and increase my star rating of this book.

I read it cover to cover in a few days back in the summer and thought, "Oh, I guess this book is alright, but what's it saying that hasn't been said before? I realized five months later, however, that I have been coming back to the book again and again. The author m I had to come back and increase my star rating of this book. The author makes a lot of good points about things that we can do in all of our relationships e. I also appreciated the author's hat tip to Dr.

John Gottman's Four Housemen and those specific "communication techniques" that many of us employ when we are wounded that do more harm than good e.

Sex, Dating and Relationship advice for an Indifferent world

That said, the author identifies his audience early on and I suspect that this book is actually quite powerful for those women who do fall into that limited category. Moreover, some of the book actually is universally applicable. I learned a lot from the book and I think that my own relationships are slowly, but surely, benefiting from those lessons.

It has great information that I would offer to any woman or potentially any man. This information may not be new to an experienced dater or a Buddhist, but it is certainly valuable for those seeking to get in touch with their self when flustered by the dating world. I also value that this book is written by a man for women.

In a way it provides an honest male perspective which can highly benefit women. This book has quite literally changed my life. Yes, it is a book about dating and relationships. But it is also a book about how to live life to the fullest and really living life as the best you.