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They are either out of the loop or lazy.

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When it comes to braces, I feel like they are associated with middle school and being a dorky little kid. People my age with braces can look a little funny. Like, having to accommodate on food selections when they get them tightened. That shiz hurts and they need lots of soup and mashed taters! I guess a pro would be lots of ice cream! Thankfully, there are other options to traditional braces, and not all of them will cost you a fortune. Say goodbye to brace face and hello to SmileDirectClub , an invisible aligner treatment that also whitens your smile.

SmileDirectClub is a safe, easy and affordable alternative to traditional braces. Are you a candidate? Take a free assessment to find out. Make sure your smile is ready for it. Accessed October 28, Survey Looks at Attraction, Turnoffs. We value and respect our HERWriters' experiences, but everyone is different. Many of our writers are speaking from personal experience, and what's worked for them may not work for you. Their articles are not a substitute for medical advice, although we hope you can gain knowledge from their insight. Your Baby's Sensitive Skin courtneysunday.

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Would you date a person with crooked teeth?

Log In Connect your comment to your member profile. It only takes a second! Yep, my boyfriend has a few crooked teeth. Doesn't bother me one bit. I agree with EiffelGirl, it's one thing if their teeth are rotten from a lack of hygiene, but not dating someone because they have some crooked teeth seems kinda shallow.

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I only worry cause he'll be sorry later in life. It doesn't botther me and even some people that have crooked teeth look good with them like it completes who they are kind of.

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It depends how crooked they are. In my opinion, slightly crooked is a GOOD thing. I actually wish mine were MORE crooked, damn genes. It's just freaking teeth. Could be perfectly healthy. And they might just not have had the money or vain mindset to fix what wasn't a problem. I have crooked teeth. My parents bought braces for their favorite son my younger brother but me? I had no control over that. But someone married me anyhow.

So, um what's up with your teeth? - dating badteeth attraction | Ask MetaFilter

I'm on a disability income. I simply cannot afford braces myself.

My government plan covers "normal" trips to the dentist but not the orthodontist. Yeah, as long as they don't have teeth piercing their lips then I don't really think it would be a problem.

Are Crooked Teeth Ruining Your Love Life?

Meh crooked teeth aren't usually that bad unless thy're really noticable It depends on how bad but in general I don't see is as a really bad thing if I notice at all. Not everyone has perfect teeth or was able to get braces when they were a kid to correct them. If they were really scattered then it might be a turn off, but a few turns or twists or a little crowding would be no big deal. Would you date a person with crooked teeth? How do you feel about people with crooked teeth?

Personally it's a turn off for me. But I also feel a little sorry for them too.