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She was taken aback — gobsmacked, really. Here she was, expecting to console someone in grief, and was instead faced with an ill-timed romantic proposal. Still, she was interested.

Dating Advice : How to Date a Doctor

Just two days earlier, she had been crying into her cappuccino with her girlfriends, worried that she would never again find a loving relationship. Their relationship blossomed, and the couple wed two years later. But in , after 13 years of marriage, they decided it was time to end the relationship, which they felt had deteriorated beyond repair.

By then, in fact, Simon had already begun seeing someone else, a businesswoman named Ellen. A mere six months after the divorce, in February of , Simon married Ellen, and they remain together today. There are, however, a few complicating factors about this story, beyond the regular emotional turmoil that so often accompanies failed romantic endeavors.

Can a Doctor Date a Patient? | Futurescopes

He got to know his first wife, identified in court hearings as Patient A, while treating her for depression. And he got to know his second wife, identified in court hearings as Patient B, while counselling her over relationship troubles with her former husband. After these details eventually came to light, a medical disciplinary panel suspended Holmes from practising for three months for failing to maintain professional boundaries. This case, of course, is a rather exceptional one.

Can a Doctor Date a Patient?

British newspapers had a field day with it, more than one going all caps in their headlines to note Holmes had married not one but TWO of his patients. Though instances of doctors and patients entering romantic relationships are indeed rare, it does sometimes happen. Physicians sometimes have sexual relationships with patients, or with former patients.

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Sometimes the initiator is the physician, and sometimes it is the patient. Often times these are clear-cut cases of unethical behaviour on the part of doctors — perhaps even criminal behaviour. But sometimes, in certain contexts, considering certain factors, these affairs of the heart are a little more complicated. This includes not only sexual contact, but also behaviour or remarks of a sexual nature.

There are typically two types of doctors who commit sexual abuse of patients, says Leet. In any given year, the proportion of licensed physicians disciplined by provincial regulatory colleges ranges from 0. Sexual misconduct does appear to be a bigger issue, however, in some medical disciplines more than others.

Doctors allowed to date former patients

A study of physicians disciplined for sex-related offenses in the United States, found that they were more likely to be in psychiatry, family medicine, and obstetrics and gynecology. One theory is that the nature and length of doctor—patient relationships in these disciplines increases the chances of boundary violations. There are, however, characteristics about the practice of medicine in general that may make a physician susceptible to violating a boundary with a patient.

Interested in Doctor Patient Dating?

Historically, notes Gupta, doctors have been expected to deal with all stress that occurs in the context of their work and not show they need help. We also feel good about ourselves when we feel that the other person we're talking to likes us, which makes us like the other person more. This is why flirting has such a positive effect on people. A safe way to approach the doctor is to use "friendly flirting. Try calling and speak to him at work, either to ask him a question about the follow up treatment of your eye, or to thank him for the great care he provided you.

When offering a compliment be specific about the behaviors he and his staff provided, for example you could start the conversation with an opening such as: You could close this part of the conversation by saying, "thanking people is a personal value of mine and I think it is too often overlooked in today's society. The point is that you are encouraging him to share information with you about himself.

Knowing that he is engaging in a conversation when he may be busy, you can end the conversation by saying something like, "I know you are probably busy right now and I have so enjoyed talking with you.

Real-life grey zone

Would you be interested in meeting sometime for coffee? On the other hand, it is possible that the medical care your doctor provided was not beyond what he provides all his patients.

It could be that he is just an extremely caring professional. He could have given you and other patients his cell phone number because he wanted you to have a direct way to reach him during the holidays when he would not be in the office. Given managed care, this type of service is rare today.

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If this were to be the case, it could also mean that while you are reading up on body language, there is a possibility that you are misreading his verbal and non-verbal communication. Whether this doctor is or is not interested in you beyond being his patient, you'll never know unless you're willing to take a risk and go for it. The worst thing that could happen is he turns you down and you feel embarrassed. No one has ever died from being embarrassed. On the other side, he too could be interested in you and by asking him out, you give him permission to explore a potential relationship with you.