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If I found out my ex had a visible, online profile, I'd probably check it out, just to see. Doesn't really mean anything. Ex spying on me online dating profile maybe its mind games, maybe its curiousity?

Is it True that Guys Social Media Stalk You If They Love You

Ex spying on me online dating profile maybe the dumper is not over me and does wonder about me????????????? Ex spying on me online dating profile Just curious in my opinion. I was on a dating website a few years ago and would check on my ex every now and then. Didn't mean anything to me, just wanted to see how they were.

Lewis "Love is not an affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained. Ex spying on me online dating profile yeah, and when u disapear, they reapear and make contact. I really don't want him to meet anyone.

I really do sound selfish but thats hows I feel to be honest. I don't know if he has met someone but i am convincing myself that he is still single.

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I am on the site mostly to show that I am single, I am there, and I am looking- that I am available. Sounds like a game I am playing but I am not interested in anyone else January 29th, , Ex spying on me online dating profile If he were still wanting to be with you, he'd probably be contacting you to chat and stuff. Don't read into this. It really is over. Ex spying on me online dating profile I really truly liked him and grew extremly strong feelings that fullfilled my heart.

I was happy with him, and experienced a massive blow to my heart at the end. I never felt this way for anyone when I was with him, and don't feel I am to again. Ex spying on me online dating profile My former husband checks my profile every day. Some say it's because we have a child together. Some say it's because he's only looking to see that I'm with someone that I'd be serious about so that he could move on completely. They are done with you.

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Just don't let it get to you. It's only something their minds need. I wouldn't worry about it. I used to but I'm done with everything. I don't care what he thinks. I don't care what he needs in order to let go and delete me out of his system. Or they just want to see that you haven't gotten anyone while they've already moved on with someone they think is better than us. Yeah I think I'll work on blocking him this weekend. I don't have him on any other social site Why would he check out my profile.

My ex keeps stalking my dating profile? 30/F : relationship_advice

It's not like he doesn't know what I'm about. Just go away already. Monday asks me if I want to think about moving to the Midwest with him for a job out there in the next 2 years. I tell him I'm not excited about it because I don't know anything about the midwest plus I have a great job here and good friends. Moving out there means I have to start from scratch, with someone who has broken up with me twice already.

Then next day breaks up with me citing all those reasons and says I'm not "spontaneous" about moving to another state. I'll tell you about spontaneous. He has never even left the country or done anything like that. Rosa, good move on your part!

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This guy isn't nearly mature enough and on the same page as you, dear. Why is he looking at your profile? He's peeking to see if you've got someone else and wants to know what you're doing. Might take him a while to get it into his head that you're really not interested anymore. Number of my friends think the same thing too, that he is checking up on me and wondering how come I'm not wallowing in misery. I live right across the street! If you want to talk to me he knows where to reach me, but nooo This guy is a piece of work. Wants to buy a house with me, wants me to move with him but with no real commitment.

Never came to my own birthday party really, he didn't that my friends threw for me, never came out to the social functions I had with my friends, didn't want to meet my uncle and aunt who flew in from my country to visit. Then starts sounding pissy when i hesitate about moving to god knows where with him.

Gives me the whole same spiel "I don;t know how I feel about this anymore. I'm not excited bla bla bla". He said the same thing in July, then tried to get back with me 2 days after breaking up with me. I gave it another shot and then in Sept he pulls out the same line again.

Ex has viewed my dating profile. What does it mean?

Then tells me "I don't like to compromise much" Well, good luck with that one buddy. Relationships are about compromise because no 2 people are exactly alike. Originally Posted by Rosa Tamora. Can completely relate to the ridiculious explanations. I hope you block this guy and never get back with him! Originally Posted by beyond. Of course those two things aren't the reasons he broke up with you. He said he doesn't find things exciting anymore, doesn't want to live with you, get married to you or have children with you - all things that you want. You should be running so fast in the opposite direction from him!

Just be glad he said this now and not when you are married and expecting his baby! That's great that you have moved into a new apartment. Stop worrying about what he is doing and if he has checked out your profile - jeeez, why are you even on a dating site???


Go out with friends, met new people, play music, re arrange the furniture in your apartment, cook up a storm - whatever, just enjoy. Originally Posted by Sugarkane. I hear wedding bells!! That was a joke Block him, blank him, don't even look in his direction Don't give him the time of year, let alone day And this sounds ridiculous, but - put a spring in your step, make sure you stand tall, and throw you head back and chin out You get the picture, I've made you sound like a pelican!