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Are lewis and hannah from the yogscast dating

What else is Lewis around for? Where do these videos go up? On the Yogscast subreddit. How many people are on the Yogs subreddit? Using high level maths, that computes to 3. I see it as no small coincidence that this announcement just happened to come out around the elections, right around when Kim has been throwing her hat into the political area. I'm genuinely surprisd at how well the comments are taking this.

I expected a shitstorm, and sure, there's a few people pissing in the drink but it's actually fairly calm. I'm glad they were able to settle amicably as that's not very common, and honestly I didn't even notice the difference other than that they played games 1-on-1 on camera, but it never occurred to me this might be why. Hope the best for both of you: Lewis and I are no longer together.

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It happened earlier this year - quite a few of you worked it out when I moved house. Remember this, just because you want more details, doesn't mean you are owed more details. Allow them both to share what they want to share, and don't pressure them for more information. Oh god that subreddit is just terrible. They call themselves fans and go on a witchhunt at the smallest things.

There was a massive drama because ONE video was only 6 minutes long, even though the total video content that day was longer than average.

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Tbf that was a vocal minority once the outcry came out a lot of people came out in defence of the game grumps and Kevin who was the editor. Well just take a look at Fleetwood Mac. Two of the members from the group were dating, it ended, and yet they are still one of the biggest bands the world has known. I think they still tour What I am trying to say is this won't affect any of the awesome content.

But I'd like to think that Hannah and Lewis do still talk to each other outside work and that they still enjoy each others company! IMO, I think they are.

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They still do videos together, hell they're in Civ and streaming together, and they don't sound like there's any bitterness between them. It sounds like they broke up on good terms, which is how it should go with most people All good things end eventually, such is life. It's good that they broke up amicably at least so it doesn't affect their professional or personal attitudes much.

Two people, both of whom we're quite fond of and who make cool stuff for us, were in a relationship. And we were happy, because most of us are always in favor of having a little more love in the world, and it was cool to know two of our favorite Yogscast members were dating. I suppose that's why we're sad. But at the same time, nothing's really going to change. They're both going to keep making awesome Youtube videos, and they're still friends. The Yogscast isn't going anywhere, people, and I have confidence that they'll still be making us laugh for a long, long time to come. How could you not resist the powers of Trott, though?

Those tusks, that mustache, those beady black eyes I'll be back in 5 minutes. And they have worked together so well in the videos since then. I wouldn't have guessed. I hope you two are happy. Big props to Hannah and Lewis. Office romances are tricky things in their own right, much less ones that are also in the public eye. This was handled with professionalism and class. I'm also glad that they're able to remain friends, which isn't always easy. A couple of my best friends are from "failed" relationships though, and I wouldn't change a thing. I wish nothing but the best for the two of them going forward.

Most people seem to think that 'once you've been together, there's no way you can be friends' for some reason, but people like you, me, and apparently Hannah and Lewis, are living proof that it can work. Is it weird that I feel really sad about this?

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I dunno, I guess it's cause I've been watching you guys as a couple for so long and just thought you were perfect together! Obviously that is not the case; and it's really none of my business but damn I actually feel like I've been punched In the gut: Yeah, I really didn't expect the news to have such an impact on me, I guess all three of the original yogscast are having a difficult year. Good to hear they're still friends and nothing bad will happen for the on air dynamic, but I can't imagine the adjustment after so long is pleasant for either of them.

It's a bit weird.

Are lewis and hannah from the yogscast dating | Odessance

I read this post yesterday, and I got the same feeling today. I am usually not affected like this, bit I guess I spend so much time with the Yogscast that it feels like I know them. I assumed something was up since she was saying "I am moving house" and not using "we". I am sure they will be fine though, they seem like decent people and it sounds like they have found a way to make it work being in the same office all day etc. This would have to been after the first civ session, because Hannah mentioned leaving the apartment with lewis. I'm glad that they're all fine with each other, I was always worried that Lewis and Hannah, or Martyn and Kaeyi would break up and cause shit within the fandom, glad to see that this has been handled so well.

I respect their decisions, but I know it'll never quite register in my head. It's like the time Fernando Torres signed for chelsea. Took me three years to recognise it as a thing. I sort of noticed but wasn't sure, too bad. But at least you're professional and it isn't interfering with work or your friendship, so that's good!

I hope that my recent ex and I can have the kind of relationship that those two have coming out of this. I hope them both well.

Dating is hard enough, but it's even more of a challenge when you look different

As much as it pains me, at least now Hannah can move on and be with her real true love The top comment is a gay joke about Sips and Lewis but for some reason your lesbian joke about Hannah and Kim is unacceptable. Maybe I'm getting old and cynical but I honestly can't tell what the internet is okay with anymore. At this point, my reply doesn't make much sense xP. I would assume it has to do more with the internet's love of Sips then the dislike of a lesbian joke. Thats such a shame: I'm sure the joint content will be as entertaining as always, but as long as they're happy then nothing else not even content: Well you know what, if the two of you are happy, then we're happy.

I'm glad that you dealt with this in a mature way, and honestly if not for the fact that Hannah moved house, I don't think any of us would have been able to figure it out. I'm glad you're still friends, that's the way breakups should be handled. I wish them nothing but the very best. Anything beyond what happens in their videos is no one else's business. Ohh I thought Hannah might have been moving in with him. Oh well, at least they're happy, and this was handled really well. I knew something was up, when Hannah moved, but I dismissed it as a nonsensical notion.

Also explains why Lewis was so dismissive and much more crude during the Cities Skyline videos, but maybe that is just me now, backtracking while knowing they are no longer together. I feel like they worked it out so well partially because of the shared workplace obviously , shared ill Simon and shared experiences through the great medium of gaming as an art form and relaxation.

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Amongst other things obviously, which were not shown to us. I honestly thought Lewis was way saltier than normal in that video too, but I didn't want to put too much into it because it's none of my business. Now I'm thinking about their future streams together if there will be and how awkward some of the chat might get.

I've seen Lewis play quite a bit of Dota on Pyrion's stream and honestly he sometimes just gets into these salty moods during livestreams where he is perhaps a bit more 'uncut' than people are used to in his videos. Plus he did mention that he had ragequit Cities Skylines after playing it on his own earlier, so I do think it's easy to read more into these things than was actually going on.

Yep, that's why I don't say anything and try not to speculate because, like I said, it is none of my business, and we really only do see a fraction of who they are as individuals. You know you're too far into a fandom when you read the blog post and the first thing you think is "True love is dead".

I would feel sad in general if I knew of this shortly after it happened, but since they've been apart for months and I noticed no change whatsoever, I don't. I always wondered what would happen if something like this happened, and now I know: Well, I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out between the two of them. Props and respect to both of them for their professionalism throughout this. Though their personal affairs are none of my business, I'm glad they made an announcement which will quell the rumor mill.