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The 7 Saddest Questions On Yahoo Answers

Most questions do revolve around the fun zones, but hint at a sad history in which the askers are clearly innocent folks who weren't taught what they need to know. Look, there are numerous critics of the way sex ed works in this country, and most of them tend to forget that sex ed isn't just about sex, but also about the numerous changes a person's body will go through in puberty. So when the system fails our minors, they have no choice but to turn to the sages from Yahoo Answers for their Q's about enlarging their boobs or penis.

But no body part is safe from these insecurities. It seems that many teens worry their bodies won't grow on their own, but need a helping hand. Kids are worrying about everything from teeth growth affecting their braces, to eyebrow growth , to bicep growth. Let's hope Yahoo Answers is as ineffectual as it seems, because if these kids ever get their wish, there are going to be some fucked-up Cronenbergian humans milling around in a few years. Much like syphilis, conspiracy theories are fun to spread and hard to get rid of.

It should come as no surprise that Yahoo, with its terrifyingly bad security , has gotten the conspiracy bug. And as Yahoo's crotch, Yahoo Answers seems to be taking the brunt of the infection. That same reply was posted to multiple separate questions pertaining to leg pain , one about getting rejected by a woman , and another about cleaning a library. There's little rhyme or reason to it, but it seems that there's more than one person spreading similar stuff. They start with some wildly unnecessary explanation of how to make the Christian Sign of the Cross , decry a bunch of other religions , and then proceed to describe a whole bunch of Russian Orthodox gibberish that would make even Vladimir Putin roll his eyes.

That screencap is from one guy who has been at this shit for years. He started off with small paragraphs like the one up there, but over time, his madness has grown. He keeps going -- and we keep saying "he" because it's impossible to imagine this guy looking like anything other than Alex Jones with a fedora. And over time , he's even added sources and tacked them onto the bottom of his "answers.

Yahoo Answers might have had its place in the world, but at this point, all it seems to be good for is harboring the internet's "chaotic neutral" population. So thanks for running the asylum, Yahoo Answers. Isaac never wants to have to take a screengrab again. He's also on Twitter and Instagram. Behind every awful movie is the idea for a good one. Old man Indiana Jones discovers aliens: Good in theory, bad in practice. So simple, but so bad. Are there good versions of these movies hidden within the stinking turds that saw the light of day?

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