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Well, we wish anyway. The couple participated in an opening pitch event for the Doosan Bears on April 19th, after which they stuck around to watch the game. Though Khuntoria is known for being quite affectionate with one another, fans gasped with surprise when they saw pictures of Nichkhun kissing Victoria's cheek! And that's not all. Victoria was snapped draping her arm comfortably across Nichkhun's back as they focused on the game. Giving thumb up for crazy delusional shippers isnt and wont ever be a smart idea.

Khuntorians have been going on strong for years, one thumbs up isn't going to change anything. If he winks, it's for Victoria because he winked once on WGM. Now they have even more reason to believe in Khuntoria according to them.

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Is this true that they band sistar aoa and girl group's with the sexy image https: In order to remain somewhat relevant in China, they need to feed off their WGM couple pairings with chinese celebrities. If I was Tiffany he would be afraid to talk to me after this lol At the end of the day, Tiffany's dating Khun and Victoria If Tiffany sat in front of Taeny shippers ocean i suppose u all defending Nichkhun would defend her?

Doesn't change the fact that they forced Nichkhun to interact with him. Anything he does will be a reason to still believe in Khuntoria. People like you who always find fault in whatever Khun does are just as problematic as the crazy shippers. If he gives them a thumbs up, he's at fault for feeding the delusion. If he is cold to them, he's an asshole for to fans who went and spent their money to see him.

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It's always a lose-lose situation with shippers. Give the guy a break. Ohoho be ready for fangirls how Oppa didnt mean it eventhough he broke the law and could have killed someone. Like they've been doing always? Khuntorians are beyond that point.

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LOL tiffany likes to feed shippers delusion and making them more delusional until they harass and attack nickhun on twitter believeintaeny thanksboo peanutbutterandjelly etc. Sry, shall take a lil' space here. Netizenbuzz, can do a post of the K-nets' react to the 1st ep of the Real Men: LOL, thanks for the heads up.

I heard that there's a task force of supposed "SONEs" out to harass anyone that's against their unnir; instead it's harmful to other SONEs; me included, and gives a bad rep. Drunk driving isn't a mistake, it's a choice. You just proved my point. That is something totally unrelated to this topic and you brought it up because you want to bring Khun down.

I meant the thumbs up if that really happened not the part he couldn't control, of course I know it's not something he can control How about you burn with your stupid annoying gifs, she is very right. But I guess youre one of those girls livin in a delusion that idols do what they do for fans and not for money. I'm pretty sure most of these netizens are running their mouths when they only know half the story At the end of the day they're still data g each other something g as stupid as this shouldn't get in the way.

Shippers are so fucking stupid and annoying.

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People fight over it on the internet and they push the ships onto their artists. They fail to realize that it's their dumb fantasy. The answer's right in front of them: How dumb do you have to be to not understand that? A true fan would form their own opinion, and if it still bothers you then disregard this post and move on. I respect your opinion, try and respect mine. And he was supposed to Get jealous of Taeng??? What in the world. Where is the logic in this I'm sure this fan business doesn't even phase their relationship one bit lol!! There's a song where each member sits on a side of the stage and those Khuntorians picked the right spot.

Nichkhun has been dealing with those delusional Khuntoria fans since He has not kept silent and he HAS addressed their delusions on Twitter but it's been so long since then and they aren't as relentless as they once were online so they no longer need to be addressed - there is a long history with Chinese Khuntorians and there is a thin line that Khun has to walk to keep the healthy balance at play.

Furthermore, is he supposed to discriminate against a group of dedicated fans simply because he has a girlfriend? If that were the case, then shouldn't Tiffany be discriminating against Taeny fans because it's a ship that doesn't include her boyfriend? Are Wooyoung and Jun. K and Junho and Taecyeon and Chansung all supposed to shun their shipper fans since they have each been on WGM or a dating show of some sort?

What about their co-actresses that they've worked with on movies and dramas? Are they also supposed to shun those fans that ship them even though they are just friends or even less than that with that co-actress or former "virtual dating show" partner? It would be idiotic as an entertainer to shun ANY fans unless they misbehave or cross the line. It's not about money, it's about being FAIR and professional. You can't just disfavor a group of fans just because you have a public girlfriend.

WGM delusional shippers are a whole different breed. There's something more than just they "ship a couple", there's something wrong there Let Nichkhun and Tiffany's relationship have it's privacy. I know you're all looking out for her but this is not the way. Since Nichkhun reacts to every sone and taeny comments. Now its time to react to the mess he created. And when Tiffany posted " believeintaeny" it meant she gave Taeny shippers hope too right?

And the delusional is going stronger.. He's saying thank you to his fans, the same fans who feed him and make him rich. At the end of the day, she stays winning because she is with him and Vic is out of the picture. Okay, just take my comment easy, since it was also meant to be a joke: I didn't want to get into a fanwar and bash him and anything like that, of course I know how business works but my comment wasn't meant to be serious in the first place.

Thats how drama begins. Pann then mess on NB then mess on other forums then more mess and more mess. The fact that they believe that WGM is "real" is even more disturbing to me. But I guess only one side is the bad guy. Someone obviously doesnt know its a way of saying things not meanign literally every. Who called out sones for bashing him but stays damn quite when his fans do the same to tiffany?

KhunToria's World: Khuntoria's Fact (Engish Version)

Tiffany tagged "believe in taeny" on her IG. So both of khunfany seem to don't care about shippers. Same tiffany never called out KHuntoria's stans like he did to Tiffany's. You seem to be one of those very pressed sones. He has every right to react to those death threats and hate comments okay? He didn't cause a mess.

Khuntoria Real 2

The fans did by overreacting. Give the guy a break he gets hate for everything he does. Hey Tiffany if you ever need a shoulder to cry on U said he is doing to say thank u to his fans. THose fans see it as a sign Khuntoria is alive. Now we get drama not bcs of taeny not bcsof tiffany not bcs of victoria but bcs of what he did. He has righjt to react. How is him following what he rehearsed hurt Tiffany's feelings.

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You just said it yourself. He speaks out when Tiffany fans bash him. When his fans do something to tiffany she should do something about it herself. Comment said it all. Male Idols aren't better than shemale, They even can't protect a harmless girl, his girlfriend. Im just pissed he lashes out on her fans while ignores what his fans, same ppl in that crowd he sat there in front do to his gf Those same delusional shippers are the ones terrorizing his own girlfriend.

But, do u believe in tale? A prince always managed to find Cinderella and this happened in Khuntoria. Now, both of them in the same position after their hardwork. One is Thai Prince. Another one is China Princess. Their story begin in 10th May , during the Star King. As i said, Nickhun was really famous enough at that time, so Victoria was attacked by antifans.

Victoria is from China, she worked so hard.