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Dating friend's dad may be risky

I mean, it's the Yankees! How do I tell her? I don't want to ruin anything. I am enjoying my time with Bob. I like him and I want to keep seeing him. I also don't want to lose my best friend. Do I just show up at the game with Bob and hope she doesn't flip out?

Post Digital Network

Do I talk to her ahead of time? Does Bob tell her? You are certainly not allowed to surprise Stacey by showing up at Fenway Park on the arm of her dad. I mean, even if Stacey knew about your relationship with Bob and was cool with it, she might not be ready for a double date.

Things Got Weird When My Friend’s Dad Hit On Me

Please put yourself in her shoes. Before you sit down and tell Stacey that you're in line to be her stepmom, please think about whether this whole Bob thing is worth it. Can you really see yourself with him in five or ten years? You don't have to know for sure whether you want to be the next Mrs. Bob, but you do have to be honest with yourself if this is just a fun fling. Because if it is, you must end it -- for the sake of everyone's sanity.

But if Bob is worth the risk and you do want to stay with him, tell Stacey as soon as you can. Explain to her that you understand how weird this is and that you're confused and looking for guidance. Ask her what she needs you to do to make this work. And again, whatever you do, don't spring this on her at a game.

Dating my friend's dad

Opening Day against the Yankees is stressful enough on its own. Is she going to lose Stacey? What are your thoughts about Bob? Could you deal with one of your peers dating one of your parents? I don't care how hot Bob is, you are so wrong, wrong, wrong to be doing this. Previous Letter Friday April 1, Featured Comment "For the love of God, what are you doing? Turned out they were family friends from ages ago. There are even pictures of them holding me as a toddler.

Needless to say, I told my parents and they laughed for the next year. We still talk about it. The lube he used gave me a blistering rash all over my body for three days, but I went back to him the following week, and we did it again.

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He was visiting for Family Weekend at school. I ended up finding him on Grindr, and we messaged for two days. He gave me his hotel room number where I spent all day with him.

Dating friend's dad may be risky - Winnipeg Free Press

Years later, my friends set me up on a blind date. I walked into the restaurant and BAM, there was her dad. He still looked incredible. We met up a few more times after that, but he eventually broke it off. I ended up reconnecting with my old friend a couple months later, but all I could think about were the many indecent things I did with her dad.

I felt so uncomfortable for a long time, especially when they would kiss and be all gross. Months later, I visited a uni friend at his home, only to find out that the cougar was his mum. We went on a few dates throughout the course of a week, had a great time, and hooked up. Two years later, at graduation, I was introduced to him by my best friend.

She's Marrying My Dad...

He was her father. Anyway, my boyfriend went out to the pub with some of his old college buddies, so it was just his dad and me at home, watching a movie.

One thing led to another and the dad and I started hooking up. He was my personal trainer. I tried to not be the third wheel, so I often ended up watching TV with his parents. I bonded with his dad because we both liked hockey, but we were never flirtatious.