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This paradox is one of several that causes me to wonder if increasingly popular Christian dating websites undermine the faith-values of their users.

Bible Living

After making a note of several contradictions and inconsistencies found on popular Christian dating sites, Merritt concluded by questioning how and if believers should be using these web-based dating pools. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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Several of my friends have met their significant others on them, and in some cases, have even married the partners they met. After weighing both sides, it appears that there may not be a right or wrong answer to the growing question about whether or not dating sites are appropriate for Christians. Remember 1 Corinthians Will there be any pressure to use alcohol or drugs?

What Does the Bible Have to Say About Dating?

Don't give up your values for a date. Am I attracting the wrong type of person? Make sure that the message you send with your actions doesn't attract people who will lead you to compromise your values. Am I aware that sin is first committed in the heart? Are you going to the right kind of place for a date? Many good intentions have been forgotten because the temptation and opportunity were too great.

Am I doing anything to encourage sexual desire? Don't engage in any impure contact that is sexually motivated, such as petting.

10 Principles For Christian Dating That Will Transform Lives – Frank Powell

You can start fresh with God anytime you want to. His word tells us that sexual sin is wrong, and He knows what is best. God knows that going too far before marriage tends to break up couples and leads to less happy marriages. He knows that most guys do not want to marry a girl who has been intimate with someone else.


Net users generous rights for putting this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches and schools. What are the Biblical guidelines for dating relationships?

Peace comes through living the way our creator designed us to

Dutch , Hungarian , Indonesian , Spanish , Swedish G od wants the best for us in every area of our lives. Do not be misled: But every individual has his own beliefs. Social pressures increasingly lean toward sexual intercourse before marriage, provocative sexual behavior and the objectification of sexuality in general.

Christian people find these secular values incompatible with their own values. Dating is a relatively hot topic in the Christian community due to this fact.

The Top Five Myths of Christian Dating

Many Christian people want to be with other Christian people. This generally makes the relationship easier, since the two people will get along better and understand each other's expectations. The general idea is that people who are not Christians want to live like the secular world and live up to secular values. In 1 John 2, it is written, "Do not love the world or anything in the world But Christian people want to be like Christ and express those values in their relationships.

Being with a non-Christian person can cause a values conflict within a Christian person, since they want to please the other person and their God. Christian dating is most importantly defined through bible precedent. The Christian bible indicates that people are uniquely created by God and are special to God. Christians thus want to value each other as God's creations and not as sexual objects.

7 tips for Healthy Boundaries in Christian Dating - Christian Dating Advice

They want their relationships to be part of their worship of God. The Christian attitude toward dating may be best summarized by the bible verse 1 John 2: