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Slip the remaining compression nut and ferrule over the refrigerator end of the new water line. Connect the line to the water line connector on the back of the refrigerator. Turn the supply line on once again. Watch for leaks at all the connections. Tighten the connections slightly if you see a leak.

Learning About Fridge Water Lines

If tightening the connection does not stop the leak, turn off the water, remove the connector and add additional thread-seal tape before reconnecting the water line. Plug your refrigerator into the wall.

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  • Thank you for your feedback!.
  • How to Hook Up a Water Line to a Refrigerator From the Sink.

Coil the excess water line behind the refrigerator. Push the refrigerator against the wall. Cecilia Harsch has been writing professionally since She writes mainly home improvement, health and travel articles for various online publications. She has several years of experience in the home-improvement industry, focusing on gardening, and a background in group exercise instruction. Harsch received her Certified Nurses Assistant license in She attended Tarrant County College and studied English composition.

Skip to main content. Connect a Refrigerator to an Icemaker. It might cost you a few dollars more, but it will last longer and like I said very easy to work with. Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience.

How to Hook Up a Water Line to a Refrigerator

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How to Connect an Ice Maker Like a Pro

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How to install Water Line for Samsung Refrigerator | Samsung Support Singapore

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No data is shared unless you engage with this feature. Some articles have YouTube videos embedded in them. Some articles have Vimeo videos embedded in them. Locate the cold water source closest to the refrigerator. You'll want to use water lines that are already in place if possible, rather than attempting to install new pipes. Drill a hole either through the cabinet wall separating the space under the sink and the refrigerator or in the basement ceiling up to the refrigerator. Thread copper tubing through the hole you just drilled.

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  2. Connecting Water Line.
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  4. What Size Is a Refrigerator Water Line?.
  5. How to install Water Line for Samsung Refrigerator.
  6. The Best Line Tubing to Use to Hook Water up to a Refrigerator | Dengarden?
  7. Attach one end of the copper tubing to the refrigerator's water pipe, using a nut and ferrule. Make sure you leave extra tubing coiled behind the refrigerator, so you can move the refrigerator when necessary. Cut the cold water line under the sink or in the basement and attach a copper T-fitting.