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Other experts are of the opinion that an imbalance in the complex, interrelated chemical reactions of the brain involving the neurotransmitters. Treatment for the conditions ranges from anti-psychotic medication to stabilize most severe symptoms to psychosocial treatments which help patients deal with the everyday challenges of the illness, such as difficulty with communication, self-care, work, and forming and keeping relationships. Being informed about various aspects of schizophrenia will not only help you to understand the difficulties being faced by your partner but also enable you to be cued into medications, their side effects and drug interactions — all of which can have an impact on your personal relationship.

Be prepared Even though there are different types of schizophrenia, almost all lead to very difficult relationships.

This Is What It’s Honestly Like To Fall In Love With A Schizophrenic | Thought Catalog

If you are dating someone who you believe may have the condition, it is important to learn how your role, as the partner, can adversely affect the symptoms of the schizophrenia. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. In extreme cases, like the delusional phase of illness, a schizophrenic person may have distorted perceptions of reality which is why even the most simple of activities by you could be misinterpreted and then cause the schizophrenic partner to begin making accusations that are unfounded.

When dating a person with delusional schizophrenia, therefore, it is important to recognize when the delusions may be sneaking up on your relationship and find a way to diffuse them as much as possible. One of the best ways of doing this is to use an avoidance method and then try to re-direct attention to another topic.

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  • Dating a Schizophrenic - Tips and Advice | Futurescopes.
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Under such circumstances, you need to keep in mind that you cannot typically win an argument with a delusional schizophrenic so attempting to prove your innocence is not only likely to be unsuccessful but completely ineffective. Above all, remember that even if you have managed to avoid this argument and the delusion has passed, there are sure to be more in the future and you need to take things as they come. Challenges in the long run Finally consider that this condition is typically catatonic and, over time, your partner's mental health will most likely deteriorate.

Many people with schizophrenia have difficulty holding a job or caring for themselves, so sooner or later your partner may have to rely on you or others for help. I wonder whether it's worth talking to your new partner about the kind of support they'd like from you? What are the things to avoid doing?

Our stories

How might you be able to communicate to them when you need a bit of space to look after you? If you're intersted in reading more about other people's experiences, you can use the search bar above. Here's one to get you started on relationships and schizophrenia. We went to high school many years ago and re caught up We just knew we were meant to be together and got married 9 months after re catching up. His Mother absolutely could have chopped my head off when we got married and my Mum could have chopped my head off but we proved them wrong.

Not because of anything but we are just meant to be together.

  • 15 things to know before dating someone with schizophrenia | Metro News.
  • Dating a Schizophrenic - Tips and Advice.
  • Dating with Schizophrenia.

His Mum very respects me absolutely now. To stay with me: He smokes one or two cigars per day compared to One packet of rollies per day. The support you will get is fantastic. They can link you into carers to help you as the relationship rolls along but more of that later.

Explore Everyday Health

Find a great carer's group support where there is either well-facilitated group therapy or individual group therapy. When Schizophrenia is in a relationship there is a lot of fear and confusion and the therapy will be very good. We think that it has saved us many a time. The first decision that we both made was that my then boyfriend promised to take his medication and see his Psychiatrist regularly. He told me everything over and over, and he was sitting there, gripping on his last bottle of beer, as if it was his sanity that he was holding on to.

I grabbed the bottle from his hand and hugged him, hoping that if I hold him tightly it would take away his sickness. It was never the same again after that conversation. The once fairytale story became a living hell in most days.

Dating with Schizophrenia

His situation got worse when he started believing he was doing fine without his medication. He was a completely different person. There were times when he would suddenly shout at me and tell me I was trying to kill him. There were times he would tell me my friends were talking shit about him. Even if I do, he never believed me. I turned off the lights, one night, after his long episode of schizophrenia.

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  5. We laid down together on our bed. Quiet, tired, afraid, depressed. Those times when he would tell me his bad experiences over and over, or those times when he hears those voices cursing him and attacking him verbally over and over, all those times were not as hard to me as they were to him. For me it was just a passing story that I needed to listen to.

    Keeping Your Relationship Strong After a Schizophrenia Diagnosis

    But for him, it is his life story. It is his reality, was and will be.

    How To Date Someone With A Mental Illness - Advice - BIPOLAR DISORDER

    Countless times, I wanted to run away, to ask him to leave me.