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Discovering that your husband is visiting online dating sites can be an emotionally devastating experience. Although such behavior constitutes a betrayal and many wives consider this a form of adultery, if you and your husband can communicate your physical and emotional needs to each other, it may be possible to fix your marriage.

When your Spouse has Signed up with Dating Websites | Futurescopes

When trying to fix your marriage, speak to your husband about the issues that led him to visit online dating sites. This will make a difference in the way you approach fixing your marriage.

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If this is the case, you may be able to repair the marriage by adding variety to your relationship. Take a trip together without the children or plan romantic evenings at home. If your husband seeks more excitement in the relationship, discus his romantic needs and desires, as well as your own.

If your husband visited online dating sites to find a new partner with whom to form an emotional or physical connection, then both of you should explore what is not working in your marriage.

When your Spouse has Signed up with Dating Websites

Although it may be difficult to speak honestly about these issues, it is important to figure out what each of you believe is lacking. For example, think about whether the relationship lacks physical chemistry, intellectual connection or emotional closeness. Sued by online dating when i found that.

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