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If the older person is in a position of power or authority over the younger person e. This means that the young person must be 18 or older before the law says that they are capable of consenting to that sexual relationship. Even if you both agree, the law will say that the person who is over the age of consent is breaking the law for having a sexual relationship with someone under There are a whole lot of factors which effect whether police decide to charge or prosecute someone for having sex with someone under the age of consent.

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While it is less likely that police will charge two people who are, for example, both 16 and agree to have sex, if it looks like there may be a power imbalance, or things look more complex, they might still follow through with this. Therapeutic Youth Services — telephone SHine SA — counselling service — telephone Child and Youth Health Service — telephone Legal Help for all South Australians.

Sex and Consent Disclaimer: The material in this factsheet is a general guide only.

Is it legal in Australia for a 16 year old and a 19 year old to date? | Yahoo Answers

It is not legal advice. For legal advice about your own particular situation we encourage you to call the Free Legal Helpline on Consent is absolutely fundamental to sex. Australia - is it illegal for a 18 year old to date a 16 year old? Can a 17 year old and a 19 year old date? Answer Questions How serious is practicing medicine without a license in FL?

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Are They Too Old/Young for You???

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Sending or possessing these images is a crime if the image is of someone under It is a crime if you: Examples of offensive images may include pictures of sexual activity, sexual poses or actions or nudity. This is called child pornography. These images include film, photos, digital images and videos and images sent by SMS, emails, chat rooms and publishing on blogs.

It is a crime to create child pornography material such as making a film or taking a photograph. It is also a crime to send it to other people e. If you are under 18, this is the case even if the image is of yourself. You may be charged with a criminal offence for producing and distributing child pornography.

Is it legal in Australia for a 16 year old and a 19 year old to date?

If you send sexual images of someone under 16 to other people: It is a crime to send out these images or make them available to other people. You may be found to be distributing child pornography. If you have in your possession sexual images of someone under You can be charged with a criminal offence for possession of child pornography. However, if you were sent the images without asking for them, and you get rid of it as soon as you can, you will not be guilty of an offence. Can a child be convicted of a sexting crime?