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What were you up to for those years beforehand? But it was interesting because in college, as many girls as I was with, there were very few dates that I actually went on because you meet a girl out, whether it be a bar or a party, and since you know them from campus, it's kind of like things tend to happen faster, because you're in this environment where you go out, you meet at a bar, you maybe sleep with them that night, and then the next day they're in your dorm room hanging out, and you can actually go months before you go on a formal date with a girl that you slept with.

And the same thing after college. I was working in a restaurant, and I was in kind of in this crowd of people who were working, bartenders, waitresses, and it was very similar. You'd work with them, you'd hang out with them, and you'd be sleeping with them multiple times without ever actually taking them on that formal dinner date. But I had girlfriends in between where I remember in college I fell for a girl, and wound up dating her for I guess a couple of years, and then coming out of that, you kind of get back into it.

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So, to answer your question, how many dates? I have no clue.

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Do you have any idea of how many relationships you've had, or how many women you've slept with? I think I've been in about four or five of them.

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More than, lets say, between three to six months? Eight or nine girls? I'll say over fifty, but I'm not going to give a number just because I think it's kind of tacky to say how many girls I've slept with. Where are you based? And going forward, are there any changes over the last couple of years that have been taking place we haven't already spoken about, or anything you're looking forward to in the future? Have you got ideas going forward about how things are going to change your dating, relationships and so on?

I'm not in the mentality of going out and banging non-stop. I'm in the mentality where I want a child. I want that next step. I'm at that place, and I'm fortunate enough to be with a woman that I'm in that phase with, and that I enjoy, and that I'm in love with. So it's pretty cool, it's a pretty interesting time.

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This is turning girls you already know into girlfriends. So, what kind of situations are we talking about here? What does this apply to? Rob does live coaching. And what we realized was that almost ninety percent of the questions we were getting from our private coaching clients was, "There's this girl that - insert whatever's going on.

We went on three dates. I really liked her, I thought everything was going well, and then she pulled back and I don't know what's going on. Or, "There's this girl, and I'm in the friend zone, and I want to get out. Like I said, it could have been that they had her and she pulled away. It could have been that they got the friend zone speech, because they kind of messed up too early.

A variety of reasons. This methodology that we had been perfecting with our coaching clients for the last two years, and then releasing publicly in March It's not, "How to go out to bars and meet girls," it's not, "How to approach a new girl every day," it's "You've got a girl in your life. Things are not where you want them to be with her. What strategy do you take? Your emotions generally will give you the most absurdly wrong advice, but it feels right in the moment, and that's why so many guys mess up, myself included.

Everything that I've learned, and everything that I'm teaching here, I learned through personal experience. I did not figure this out the easy way, I learned it the hard way. So yeah, it's often these girls you've known for a while, but they're looking at you more as friends or as a past kind of romance situation. So, what's different about these situations? What's the most important thing that guys have to deal with to turn bascially this back into a situation which is more romantic, is more dating and so on, what they really want?

I'm going to give you a few different scenarios. This could be a girl that you have class with. It could be a girl that you work with. A lot of guys work with the girl they have a crush on. Right now, the difference is that she links you to her mind in something. She kind of created a frame that your relationship with her takes place in. Maybe you're the quiet guy, maybe you're the creepy guy, maybe you're the friendly guy.

The one thing you're not is the guy she is sleeping with. If you're not sleeping with her, that's not how she's viewing you. She's viewing you in a way that is not conducive to a romantic relationship, and that is not an obstacle you have when you go out to, let's say, a nightclub and you're meeting a random girl.

You can learn a technique, go out, and try it on a random girl, and you're not battling her perception of you. Whereas, when you're going for a girl that you've known for a little bit, she's got a perception of you that you don't necessarily have control of what she thinks of you previously. You can change that perception, but you're battling it, and you have to be aware that you're battling it. And I think a lot of guys, they may have a crush on some girl that they've known for three years, and they go out and they buy a book on how to flirt, and then they go out and try to use these new techniques on her, but they don't realize that she sees them in a way that's not going to work without first changing her perception.

And that's something we realized, that in order to make anything work, step one is you need to change her perception. We call it, "Interrupt her pattern," because she's got a pattern of thoughts about you. When you come over to talk to her, when you hang out with her, when she gets one of your texts, there are certain things that go through your mind that create a pattern of not leading to romantic relationships.

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  • And I realized this from being in the friend zone with a girl. It was almost impossible to get out, because our interactions every time we hung out fell into a certain pattern.

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    And it just wouldn't allow me to now change and bring things to that intimate, sexual level. So, that's the biggest difference. What would happen if she's got the wrong perception? It's like her defenses are up.

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    It's like if you're watching a TV show that you've watched over and over again, and this show was a completely realistic show. But then, one day, an alien lands on the show, and it doesn't match the reality of that show. It's like, "What is this? This doesn't make sense," and that's what's going to happen to her, because her reality is you're not the kind of guy that flirts with her, you're not the kind of guy that hits on her. Maybe if you have flirted with her or hit on her unsuccessfully, maybe you're the creepy annoying guy, and her instinct is to just ignore you, to turn you down, to reject you, to kind of laugh it off like you're not serious.

    It depends on how the guy's previous relationship is with the girl. But her mind is not going to take whatever you're doing seriously. Now, I'm not saying that it's impossible to go out and learn stuff, use it on a girl, and it works. It depends, but the guys that are unsuccessful with a girl, I generally find you need to do some kind of pattern interrupt, some way to reset her mind.

    Because it sounds like these are different situations. If it's a girl that you met before, and say you made a really bad first impression.