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Here’s What You Need To Realize If Your Ex Moved On Quickly

This mature behaviour you show would confuse her and she would soon start to get frustrated and in the end would lead to messing up her new found relationship. A rebound relationship is a quick, stupid decision taken by your ex-girlfriend to get over your broken relationship. There is never much true love or passion in such a temporary relationship. This guy most probably would not be compatible with your girl and sooner or later, she would realize that it was just a big mistake she made.

The rebound relationship might have turned out to be a truly miserable experience for her. It is natural that she would be comparing you with this rebound guy and you would easily be the winner if that is the case. This would flood in her mind doubts about breaking up the great relationship you guys had cherished. Make sure that you do no move in too fast and too eagerly. She would need some time to get the rebound guy out of her mind and replace it with you.

Once her rebound relationship has begun to go down under, it is time for you resume small conversations with her.

Something as simple as a casual text message is a good start. Make sure that you take it slow. Use the vulnerable state she is in to your advantage. Start out with casual topics and show that you are there for her. Slowly and steadily, climb back into her heart. She is probably looking for a friend and that is exactly what you have to be for the time being.

Do not give it away that you are still sexually interested in her. Casual conversations and meet-ups can slowly be turned into slightly flirty attempts to get back with her. Take it slow and do not scare her with a surprise move. If everything works out well, it is time for you to drop hints that you want to get back with her.

Tell her that the time apart has made you realize how important she is to you. Convince her that you are going to work on the mistakes you made the last time. With better communication, effort and a lot of patience, you could turn your relationship into a long term commitment. There are other things to be taken care of if you want to get back with your ex-girlfriend who is seeing someone else.

It is important that you sell yourself as the best guy she has ever been with it.

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  2. Here’s What You Need To Realize If Your Ex Moved On Quickly | Thought Catalog;
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Try and be the perfect gentleman anyone would want to be with. This little time apart should be used to do some introspection and self-examination. It helps to figure out why she decided to walk out on your relationship. Rewind and realize your mistakes and the next time, improve upon them! Learn what went wrong and what could have gone better! Next time, make sure that you approach your relationship with a bit more maturity and responsibility. Change in perceptions could ruin relationships.

Everything changes based on where you look at it from. This could help you understand what she wants and why she does certain things in certain situations. Doing this could help you understand and fulfil all her expectations! It is simple mistakes that ruin your relationship. She would appreciate your honesty and the effort you take to correct your mistakes. It is your personality and attitude that matters the most and decides if you are attractive.

Nurture and project all the qualities that she used to like in you. The past breakup should not make you less confident about your chances and ability to make her fall for you. Women like men who have confidence and self-esteem. Trying to contact her is a thought you should surely stay far away from. This curiosity would in the end get the better of her and work in your favour. Try and get back to your normal life as soon as possible. Pick up some new hobbies, make new friends and go ahead with your life.

A guy who springs back into a lively life so fast is always attractive! And last but not the least — Win her back, but never by losing your Self-Respect. You can do everything mentioned above to get back your girl but do not lose your self-respect while doing so!

Never beg or plead her to take you back. A guy with no self-respect is never attractive! You would end up making yourself look like a needy loser! The bottom-line is that you have to be an even better version of the person she was once in love with. Most importantly, be the guy she fell in love with and not the guy she broke up with! Anna Fleszer is a relationship writer who offers her own forthright opinion over the worlds of dating, romance, relationships , marriage and friendships.

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She loves cats, traveling, spending time with her son and husband. Our relationship was amazing. We never really fought when we did they were small stupid fights like about movies and dumb stuff like that , we connected on so many levels except sexually. But we have had numerous discussions about us getting married and being together in the future with each other in all seriousness.

We both knew it was going to happen. We just clicked… whenever we are together, it was just perfect. So about 2 years of our relationship has been long distance as we attend different colleges and dont really see each other aside from winter break, summer break, etc. So it was just kindve confusing for the both of us…. Anyways, last April I met some girl at a track meet, and was just being nice…. Anyways she told me that she really likes me and to be honest I thought she was attractive and wanted to get to know her more….

So, when college ended in late May, I was back with my girlfriend, but the whole summer I was just kept curious about the girl I met at college…. Anyways, the girl had posted a harmless picture of the 2 of us at the beach it was a track party so the whole team was there , and my girlfriend was NOT happy at all…. I was still so curious about the girl from college… However my girlfriend and I still hung out all summer and that connection was definitely still there and I enjoyed every single second of being in her company….

Now towards the beginning of summer I had talked to people about possibly breaking up with my girlfriend to explore my curiosities with the college girl…. Again… she spent that whole summer trying to win me over with cute notes, little gifts, voicemails, etc…. I went out of my comfort zone with meeting girls and trying new things this whole semester, and towards the ending of October I literally had an epiphany…. I knew that I needed my girlfriend back. Not a doubt in my mind…. However, I learned that she started seeing another guy at her college since the beginning of September… this crushed me… seeing her with another guy was the worst possible thing for me.

She had been keeping it quiet on social media, but then I saw a picture and unfollowed her from all social media immediately to prevent myself from being hurt. I had written this letter specifically intended so that my ex girlfriend could read it when we finally met up…. I wrote the letter not holding back anything… I told her I wanted her back and that I was sure that me and her were meant to be together, I recalled past happy memories, I brought up the fact that I have the madonna whore-complex, and a whole bunch of other personal, relationship stuff…. We talked a little after she read it, and she just basically said that the letter came too late, and that she needed the letter of assurance before summer ended….

Anyways, it just sucked to hear her say she was in a serious relationship, and it just confused me because that summer she spent so much energy on trying to win me back, and sending me assuring notes and voicemails,etc…. I know the kindve person she is, and that is a long-term relationship person…. This is all stuff I told her in that letter too… so she knows how I feel.

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