Photos of you when you were 21 if you're now 60 are pointless.
Let's operate on the assumption that we all think we looked better when we were in college. Unless you are Benjamin Button, if you've been out of college more than 30 years, those photos aren't helpful.
If you only post one and it's really flattering, there may be the perception that you just happened to get lucky. And if you only post only one and it's not so wonderful, it will be difficult to expect dating prowlers to want to find out more about your wide range of interests, unique accomplishments and ability to look as good in a little black dress as you do in jeans - one of those boilerplate profile comments that continue to baffle.
If you describe yourself as "athletic and toned" and you post photos with extra layers of tonnage, that probably isn't helping your cause. Different body types are wonderful, and most people are fine with dating folks of varying shapes and sizes. Just make an effort to have words and pictures coincide.
Dating disguise? Hats and sunglasses – don’t even think about it | Suddenly Single Minded
We enjoy seeing where you've traveled, and it may even reveal something about you. Pictures of just the Eiffel Tower or Great Wall are ridiculous. We know what those places look like.
We are interested in seeing you. Now, one might think that it is obvious where you are, but it often isn't. If the photo is of you and your kids or grandkids, we can probably tell. If it's you and five other women your age on "girls night out" help us find you. This shouldn't be "Where's Waldo? It just bugs me.
OkCupid shares the five simple ways to improve your dating profile
Are you new to Match. Want to get a lot of positive attention with your online dating photograph?
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Have a picture taken of you wearing a bright color. Wear a crisp white shirt or a pastel colored top. Posted in Page Larkin Date guide. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: Email required Address never made public.
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- 10 Basic Rules For Choosing An Online Dating Profile Picture | HuffPost.
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