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Even if the crime took place years ago, there may still be time to prosecute. Find out if your state blocks rapists from asserting parental rights, such as custody and visitation, over children conceived as a result of their crime. Are you thinking of getting help but worried about confidentiality? Find out how your state protects conversations between victims and sexual assault service providers.

The information is not presented as a source of legal advice.

Defining Violation: Sex Crime Categories In Pennsylvania

If you need legal advice upon which you intend to rely in the course of your legal affairs, consult a competent, independent attorney. RAINN does not assume any responsibility for actions or non-actions taken by people who have used this information, and no one shall be entitled to a claim for detrimental reliance on any information provided or expressed. RAINN does not endorse, guarantee or warranty the accuracy, reliability or thoroughness of any referenced information, product or service.

Skip to main content. Rape and Sexual Assault Crime Definitions. Consent There are a number of factors that determine if a person legally consents, from their age to whether they're incapacitated. In both cases, the defendant is fewer than four years older than the other sexual partner, who is older than Pennsylvania also prohibits most sexual contact between employees of state facilities and the residents under their charge.

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In addition to criminal penalties, sex offenders also open themselves to civil liability in committing their crimes. That means survivors of rape, molestation or any other non-consensual sex act have every right to file their own lawsuit in state court.

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Sex Crime Categories In Pennsylvania. Just copy and paste the code below: How Does Pennsylvania Define Rape? Criminal Penalties For Rape Jail terms and fines for offenders convicted of rape depend on the circumstances of the crime. Aggravated indecent assault , a second-degree felony, covers any genital or anal penetration with a body part when the victim is younger than This law is also extended to cover victims between 13 and 15, when the defendant is 4 or more years older.

When the victim is under 13, the law covers defendants of any age.

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The crime covers all intimate touching with the intent of arousing or satisfying sexual desire. Rape , a first-degree felony, covers any sexual intercourse with a minor under Statutory sexual assault , a second-degree felony, covers sexual intercourse with children between the ages of 13 and 15, when the defendant is at least 4 years older than their victim. Institutional Sexual Assault Pennsylvania also prohibits most sexual contact between employees of state facilities and the residents under their charge. February 7th, 0 Comments. November 7th, 0 Comments.