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Over here in Janelle-ville, all of my friends are college graduates. In fact, one of my besties just finished her PhD go Vanatta! Some of my homegirls will only date someone if he has a degree under his belt like they do.

Would you date a construction worker? - GirlsAskGuys

I say those professional standards should be the first to get the boot. My last BF was smart as they come with not a degree to his name, self-taught because he read books on his own and knew a little bit about almost anything. Besides that, I must confess I find guys who work with their hands sexy. They ooze testosterone-fueled manliness. Only guys like that could land a girl like her. What is going on? How is this even possible?

After they left, I went to my dad to try and get some clarification. He told me they had been married for 7 years and she was head over heels for him.

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She had everything and could get any man in the entire world…why him? It was that simple.

Most Helpful Guy

What mattered to her is how he made her feel, and he made her glow more than any other man could. He was passionate, exciting, respectful, confident with himself , and knew how to stir her emotions in all the right ways. After years together, she was more attracted and connected to him than even most newlyweds. There is no rulebook to tell our emotions what to do. Want romantic success in your life? Be the man who makes her happiest.

What an Ordinary Construction Worker Taught Me About Love

Make her feel incredible, sexy, fulfilled, and excited to share her time with you. Be someone she trusts and can count on. And I'd be willing to bet many who would do so more because they think very low of such "menial" work. People who think along those lines are the ones who bother me, and who I would never date.

5 Reasons to love the construction Worker

I did it for about 20 years but I never felt it worth during for lol. I liked it well enough and still do the carpentry aspects as well as the electrical wiring. I don't hang off buildings or ride machinery like organ diner in that pic. I still believe gravity works and that pain does in fact hurts. The way they phrased it would come across as a bit arrogant.

Like jeez, give it a rest. Unless there's a picture of them looking attractive in there then these pics don't really influence my attraction or the choice to date them.

Would you date a construction worker?

So the question doesn't make a ton of sense to me, I never look at people as their job. Probably try and be friends because it doesn't hurt to network. But if their fall arrest system is checked everyday for proper condition, there is really no worry. However that excavator in the building is disturbing. Which country is that being done in? They looking for problems. I'm a civil engineering student and work as contruction worker in the summers.

I have never felt inferior because of it.