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Just as you all said he was stuck abroad, his son had cancer and he owed taxes to Istanbul, Turkish government for job done there. He also had the money forwarded from Kenya or so he said. I was at the airport waiting for him to arrive several times and he never showed.

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I had almost the same exact thing. He was coming to see me but his crude oil shipment wouldn't ship because he had to pay insurance. Supposedly he all ready paid 37K. He was telling me he was in Istanbul Turkey. I told him repeatedly I had no money. He tried to make me feel guilty because I couldnt send the money.

I was talking to someone on Plenty of Fish. He had a European accent and told me he was from Sofia, Bulgaria. We spoke for a long time and he told me he was on a ship heading to Australia for business in shipping. Eventually he did ask if I would accept a check that a client owed him. I said no due to scams. I did think about it and said I would accept the check but I would not deposit it in my account. I went to the bank and asked them to check if it was legit.

I can steal it! The check was deposited to a new account just for that purpose. The following day the bank told me the check was fake. I also requested copies of the check. I was able to contact the supposed sender that lives I Maryland. He was an elderly man who told me that he and his wife had identity issues and he never heard of the third party bank the check was cut from.

The bank was legit, just not his bank. I called the sender of the check and told him it cleared but I was keeping the money. Then after much fighting, I took pictures of the check that the bank had stamped and told him it was fake and that I spoke to his client that never had an account at that bank. Anyway he denied all and had accused me of stealing his money!

I had the exact same thing.

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  5. Girl first asked for small amount to get her i tunes subscription but i didnt gave after sometime she stopped talking to me. Me also was talking to a girl i met in meetme she said she was an e6 sergeant in syria her name was Catherine hannisick after 3 days of talking she ask for itunes card and I brought it after she started to ask for more so i blocked her on hangouts we never spoke on phone only email and hangouts this went on for almost 5 months i send her about 1.

    I got in touch with Catherine hannisick again through meet me app is where she always be she claiming that she love me and wants to marry me she said her commander said he will pay for half her plane ticket and she needed to come up with the other half of dollars then she said if i could pay the whole amount so she wont have to pay him back she also said that the commander will call me can anyone help me i dont think a person on a mission in the army have that much time to be texting and on dating app i send this person already i ask her for proof because she will say she have nothing to eat because the camp was attack she would send me an image of pasta from the internet i felt so stupid omg can anyone please help me what should i do.

    I have a similar experience with a girl who said she is Mandy Bender, sent me a friend request on Facebook, I was curious why a beautiful girl like you should contact me, anyway she got me a hangouts site which suppose to be private and we chatted for 3 days and I had a inkling I was being scammed as she asked me to get a I tunes voucher, I played dumb and made out I couldn't get one, then she started asking me about money so I said I was in debt, the big thing was asking for my address which I declined, so I knew she was a scammer, she told me I was the best thing that has happened to her, she kept telling how much she loved me and I was the only person for her.

    I have now blocked her and good riddance. Facebook need to do something about these persons. I just had a similar experience on Instagram. A guy named Kurt McMahon sent me a friend request. Then started professing his love for me too quickly. That his lost his wife 2 years ago in a car accident. He was looking for love again and was convinced I was the one, the search was over lol. He even wanted to meet up with me. Then started asking for iTunes cards to upload some files online for a project he had at work, a contract that was gonna help him gain lot of money.

    I knew he was lying all along. I was communicating with him tru hangouts app.

    Federal Trade Commission

    I went bck to his Instagram page it said user not found. That was yesterday October 16, I told him countless time even from start that I he was a fraud, a fake! Told him that yesterday before blocking him on Instagram and deleting him on hangouts. Instagram needs to do sth about these persons too!!!!! Sounds like same guy that did same to me. Claimed he needed money that his bank account had been frozen in the USA. Said he was working in the Gulf of Mexico. He showed me a video and didn't have an accent but talked on phone couldn't hardly understand him because of his speech.

    Its very similar to what happened to me. He wanted money said I was his lovely wife and his wife died in car accident.

    Has an online love interest asked you for money? | Consumer Information

    But I fell for his scam but sent no money. Mathew MacCleary was scamming both you and me simultaneously. Your name isn't Alana is it because he once called me that by mistake. Australian citizen, deceased wife Laura, Pentecostal, grew up in Brazil..

    Dating & romance

    The name is mine! His name and information is completely different, but could be the same guy. I've been corresponding with him since early August--off and on--but have been suspicious. He tried asking me for an I-tunes card once. Pretty much the same M. I have not given him ANY money, but it's come up several times, in a very general way. He talked about wanting to deposit money into MY account--which sent up red flags because I thought if he actually asked me, he'd want my account information. We used phone, texting, and Hangouts! I'm usually pretty good on judging ppl. But I got scammed to.

    He has my Address I don't know what to do Has anyone given you a response. My guy is good. He is an off shore oil driller. Knows all the lingo and parts of the job. Was in LA but now in Malaysia. Plans to marry me , Only after a few weeks. Only child, parents dead, told me he was 50, now it is Ex wife cheated on him with best friend- thats my true story Best part. The photos are 10 years old. And on multiple scammer warning sights. Is a independent contractor. Got me off dating site first day. Calls me at certain times of day, pretty much same everyday.

    Says born and raised in la and Sweden. But no vital statistics records found. Is there anyone out there with similar story? Exactly the same story, made me feel guilty for refusing to buy iTunes cards, wife died, son, lives in LA, flew to Malaysia, sent pics of the gold he was buying! Declared undying love for me, going to whisk me away I'm glad I've read all these stories , I don't feel on my own with these feelings now,. It happened to me too Said he was a doctor working in Gaza but from Miami. I busted him and he swore at me!

    Common warning signs to look for

    I reported him and contacted the real doctor in Berlin to warn him what was happening! I suspect foul play with a guy, very good looking, pastor-like, tall, who went from Dallas, Tx to Malaysia as a supposed contractor. His wife died at childbirth, baby too. Has supposedly a daughter studying in London, England. East European accent, well-read, highly intelligent, sensual. His name is Eiswerth Peter on a profile he had and then erased, on Facebook. After 2 days in Malaysia, he was "mugged" and robbed of all his belongings, passport, credit cards, the works.

    He said I am his wife on the second chat. I obviously was tricked in a similar way. Asks for Steam cards now for the third time. That finally made me question her story.