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Taurus Man | Taurus Men Traits In Love, In Bed, Dating & Relationships

However, like everyone else, a Taurus also has both positive and negative traits. The Taurus will readily lend a helping hand to the family, friends and the needy even if it means that they would have to endure hardship or loss. You can count on the Taurus, they will not leave you disappointed. Their dependability makes them excellent employees and friends.

Taurus Personality Traits

These reliable and sensible souls are quite down to earth, polite and pleasant personalities. Success rarely goes to their heads. Patience is a virtue and the Taurus posses it aplenty. They believe in doing the job right rather than being the first one to do the job.


Once they set their eyes on something, the Taurus will persistently put in all the efforts to get it. Failures and setbacks rarely dampen their spirits.

Taurus Love and Sex

Uncover the real you, and see for yourself the cosmic map that Almighty has constructed for you. This specific arrangement of planets, the numbers and the stars at the time you were born makes you unique. Discover such aspects through the free Astro Profile Report. Although easy going and respectful, the Taurus can be unbelievably stubborn and inflexible in their approach.

The Taurus are so goal-oriented that they often form a notion that the world revolves around them. While they are patient, they are also lazy, especially when ordered to do something. Instead, they prefer to take on the role of leader. They will pursue their identified goal until it is reached — even if this comes at great personal sacrifice health, relationships, etc. Men who are Taurus generally are into hiking, backpacking, camping, canoeing and tons of other outdoor activities.

It is a core personality trait. Simply put, Taurus signs make for an excellent friend. This is an astrological zodiac sign that is careful about whom it associates with and is known for taking time before bonding in the platonic sense with another. Because Taurus is known for living a somewhat lavish lifestyle, they usually invite those who are close to join them in the fun. Not a bad Taurus trait when you think about it. Because Taurus is a goal focused sign, they naturally possess strong career and financial skills.

Most all Taurus born men and women know what career they want to be in and the path they wish to take. Because this sign is highly practical, they are adverse to wasting money. Again, a major Taurus trait is practicality. Coincidentally, Taurus men share this trait with a somewhat similar sign; Male Capricorns. No surprise given both are earth signs. Taurus signs are stable. When initially meeting a Taurus, they can be very charming and magnetic. Part of this is a function of their competitive nature, which commands them to try and win people over.

Once that happens however, they charm dulls a bit. This is one sign that is highly sensitive to criticism — both imagined and real. When interacting with a Taurus, be mindful of your body language and tone. Taurus born signs will sometimes mistake something unintentional on the part of others as negative or critical in nature. Part of this has to do with their built in defense mechanisms against getting hurt.

Because Taurus is a fixed sign the other ones are Scorpio , Leo, and Aquarius , it is not fond of change. In fact, they prefer things to remain constant.

Key Personality Traits

If a Taurus believes that a change in routine is about to happen or something will be altered as part of their regular ritual, they become anxious. In relationships, this can cause Taurus to have an anxious attachment style, which can be overwhelming. The key thing to remember here is that Taurus anxieties are usually triggered by a fear of change or loss.

Taurus is a leadership sign. A side-effect of this determination however can be stubbornness. As a result, this hyper-focused approach to reaching an identified goal can cause Taurus to engage in conflicts with others. Here, we are talking about co-workers, superiors and loved ones. Taurus sign personalities like their routines and ritualization.

The TAURUS FEMALE by Joan Zodianz

Their circadian rhythm is wired very well because of the strong attachment to scheduled activities. This sign also pays particular attention to its environment with an emphasis on the home. Taurus signs like a comfortable, nurturing environment that promotes restoration and security.

  1. jersey dating agency.
  2. Taurus Traits.
  3. Taurus Horoscope: Taurus Zodiac Sign Dates Compatibility, Traits and Characteristics.
  4. Taurus Man Table of Contents.

In short, these are home-bodies that are perfectly content chillaxing on the couch. He is set in his ways and stubborn once a decision has been reached. The Taurus man is patient and a workaholic. He is happy to be a beast of burden for a period of time, if it means that he will be able to reap the rewards later. He is the sort who will chase the big payoff and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Taurus is an Earth sign, and the Taurean man loves all things physical and material. Tactile and appreciative of the finer things, the Taurus man will surround himself with comfort and luxury — fine food and expensive wine, the classical arts, and the good life are what he strives for.

Toil and struggle are dandy, but at the finish line, a Taurus man will want his just rewards. A Taurus man is traditional and prudent. He can be an old-school kind of man who will open doors for you and turn up with a corsage as a first-date gift. Thoughtful and sweet, with big, sad eyes, his is a slow, shy kind of charm. His overall goal in life is to have a cozy home, a warm hearth, a true partner, and a good life.

A steady routine and emotional stability suit the Taurus man just fine.

He likes knowing what to expect from his career, life, and love. Earthy, ribald, and lusty, the Taurus man grabs life and love by the throat and laps it all up. Extremely sensual and physical, he responds better to a gentle touch than to a cracking whip. Galloping headfirst into love and relationships, he is a man in love with love. His temper is a symptom of his deep underlying passion, if you can get beneath that thick hide of his. The Bull is no good at love games. Ruled by Venus, the Taurus man demonstrates a surprising romanticism when in a relationship, although his form of romance is of a simple variety.

He will choose a partner who is his best friend, herd mate, and lover to spend the rest of his life with. He enjoys the consistency and closeness of being in a relationship and will persevere in trying to make things work. He does not give away his affections lightly nor is he an inconstant lover, flitting from affair to affair. The Bull chooses his territory, sticks to it, and will happily put out to pasture there until the end of his days.

The rampaging Bull cuts a broad swathe through his admirers. Those who are partial to old fashioned manners and like being treated politely flock around the Taurus man.